Very Humn African
The African world is not different from other worlds.

The Very Human African
The African world is not different from other worlds.
What is happening in Africa
is happening everywhere in the world.
The African is not a different brand of "homo-sapiens".
The African can be as honest and polite as the English,
and the African can be as hypocritical and rude as the English.
The African can be as saintly and tough as the Irish;
he can also be as sinful and sensitive as the Irish.
The African can be as generous as the American,
and the African can be as selfish as the American.
The African can be as holy as the Italian,
and the African can be as vicious as the Italian.
The African can be as kind, friendly and hospitable
as the German, and the African can be as unwelcoming
and xenophobic as the German.
The African can be as humble as the French,
and the African can be as proud as the French.
In short the African can be as angelic as all
other human beings, and the African can be
as devilish as all other human beings,
for the African is human like all other human beings.
+Peter Sarpong - Bishop of Kumasi, Ghana