NOVEMBER - Praying for All Souls
Love is stronger than death!

God gives life to people. God creates human beings in his image, in his likeness. Over the years of our lives, we meet so many people. We see and hear lovable beings. Through their fragile humanity, we see at the same time something that has the value of eternity. We meet people who are "sons and daughters of God", "beloved sons and daughters" of the Heavenly Father. In each and every one, God completes what He had begun in them. We believe that our deceased are in the hands of God. Their departure made us sad and on the other hand, we carry within us this joy of knowing that our dear departed have entered the house of the Father. The Lord welcomed them, we believe it! They entered into Life, life with God, abundant life, fullness of Life. Our deceased are in Heaven… This is our faith and our hope. "To love someone is to tell him of her 'you will not die'" (Gabriel Marcel). This means that the beloved will exist beyond death... Love is stronger than death!
"You shall not die": God himself said it first to his Son Jesus the Christ. The Father raised the Son because He loved him, because He agreed with Him, He accepted his whole life here on earth among people. In reality, the Father says the same thing to each of our deceased brothers and sisters: “You are precious to me, you belong to me, you are so lovable, I accept and welcome you, I want you to live, because your whole life has manifested a quality of love! » We are called to dwell with Him, the Lord. “If we died with Christ, we believe we will live with Him”. "Do not be troubled"...but "believe"..."believe in God, believe in me". Because, at the end of the night, there is dawn and sunrise.
“Jesus Christ is risen from the dead; this is our Gospel” (St. Paul). "In the father’s house, many will find their home." At the end of our life path here on earth is the house of the Father. Christ, the Firstborn from the dead, has prepared a place for each of us. “When I have gone to prepare this place for you, I will come back to take you with me”. “Where I am, you will be there too!". “People who have consecrated their lives to Christ can only live in the desire to meet Him, to be able to be with Him forever…” (VC). “The human being is made for God and he is restless until he rests in Him” (S. Augustine).
"To get where I'm going, you know the way! » “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one goes to the Father without going through me”. It is through Him that we must all pass in order to be "transformed", to be "transfigured", to receive life in abundance, and to be truly sons and daughters of God in the image of the beloved Son. This is the Good News! This is our Hope!