SAFCAM Formation program for new Rectors in the Region
8 x 60 minute online sessions in January and February 2022

SAFCAM Formation program for new Rectors in the Region - check pdf file for further details, regarding topics and times.
- Content, based on the Director's Manual, but in “small bites” (see content below).
- Process - brief “input” of 20 minutes.
- Sufficient time to share experiences and to raise “burning issues” or challenges, or questions, during 40 minutes.
- Participants can also suggest topics to deal with, before the different sessions.
- The online session will last one hour only (18.00-19.00 - Nairobi time).
- We will hold eight sessions during the months of January and February.
- Sessions will be held in English and French on specific dates (see below).
- Participants are encouraged to read the contents of the Rector's Manual “for themselves”.
- Additional useful materials to read will be emailed to participants before/after sessions.
- The online connection - ZOOM will be the following for all the sessions:
ID: 985 5576 5401 Passcode: 988242