The Salesian Co-operators
Who are they? What do they do? What do they commit themselves to?

Salesian Co-operators
(in brief)
(Photo: Mamma Margaret – Don Bosco’s mother - “The First Co-operator!”)
Who are they?
Members of the Salesian Family of Don Bosco, which consists of thirty branches, creating a vast movement, crusading in favour of poor young people.
Is it a third order? - Yes, of sort, but much more.
Are they benefactors?
Not in the ordinary sense of the word. They contribute to the mission of the Salesian family through their personal involvement, rather than through funding or donations, generous as they may be.
Their purpose?
They exist not so much to help the Salesian priests and sisters and brothers, but to engage as associates in the same mission.
They are the lay branch of the Salesian Family. They were founded by Don Bosco in 1876.
Their activities?
They are especially involved in the education and evangelisation of young people as teachers, catechists, youth animators, sports coaches, … collaborating in the projects and operations of the Salesian sisters and brothers and priests, and sometimes running their own projects in the same spirit as the other 29 branches of the Salesian Family and in communion with the local church.
What is Salesian Spirit?
In essence it means living, acting and praying as Don Bosco himself did, with a dynamic pastoral zeal for poor and needy young people.
Is there a period of training required?
As for any vocation, of course some preparation is needed before making the commitment as a co-operator.
It can take up to a year to discern and appreciate what is entailed. When a candidate has been closely related to the Salesian family for some time, less formation will be required, and those who have already taken part in apostolic activities with Salesians, will have already absorbed the required understanding and caught the essential spirit. The basic need is to understand who Don Bosco was, how he operated, and what his mission entails today.
Basic criteria to be admitted?
Any catholic woman or man, single or married, of sufficient maturity, who desires to be apostolically active.
Can a Salesian co-operator belong to other groups/sodalities…?
Yes. It is a flexible association, adaptable to local situations. Some members, apart from being catechists in a parish or involved in family ministry like Marriage Encounter, are also engaged in political parties, or the Rotary or Knights of Da Gama. Diocesan clergy can also be members.
Are there any benefits in belonging to the Co-operators?
Members enjoy immense spiritual support from the fellowship experienced while involved in the activities of the mission.
Members gain from the solidarity of the entire Salesian Family while striving to live a Christian life, sustained by the sacraments, devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians, and loyalty to the Pope.
Are there any membership fees? No!
What obligations do Co-operators commit to?
The promise undertaken is as follows:
Father, I adore you because you are so good
and because you love each one of us.
I thank You for having created and redeemed me, for having called me
to be a part of Your Church and for having made
Don Bosco’s apostolic Family part of it.
This Family lives for You in the service of the young and of ordinary people.
Drawn by Your merciful Love, I want to love You in return by doing good.
For this reason, after preparing myself,
I PROMISE to commit myself
to living the evangelical Project of the Association of the Salesian Co-operators.
That is:
To be Christ’s faithful disciple in the Catholic Church;
To work in Your Kingdom, especially for the welfare and salvation of the young;
To deepen and witness to the Salesian spirit;
To cooperate, in Family communion, in all the apostolic initiatives of the local Church.
Grant me, Father, the strength of your Spirit,
so I may always be faithful to this proposal in my life.
Mary Help of Christians, Mother of the Church, Help me and guide me. Amen.
Currently there are approximately 30,000 registered Salesian Cooperators spread across the world in 130 countries!
For more info - just Google – “Salesian Cooperators” !