Madagascar 2024

From 19 to 22 October 2024, at the provincial house of Don Bosco Ivato, near Antananarivo (Madagascar), the meeting of the Regional Formation Commission (RFC) took place. Most of the Provinces and Vice-Provinces of the Africa-Madagascar Region were represented with the exception of three of them due to special circumstances. The meeting was coordinated by Fr. André Young Ela Enam. The Formation sector at the Congregational level was represented by Brother Raymond Callo. Regarding the conduct of the meeting, let us recall the important themes or elements that were discussed…
On Saturday, October 19, after the presentation of the participants, Fr. Peter Morba guided the confreres in Lectio Divina. Then, the delegates of the Provinces shared how the lines of action of the RFC-2023 were applied by giving three positive results and three challenges. Each Province had the duty to submit its prepared report. The synthesis of the different points allowed for discussion in assembly. On behalf of SAFCAM, Fr. Camiel Swertvagher also presented some good results and some challenges, while making documents available to the participants. Then, Fr. André Ela and Brother Raymond Callo recalled the formation concerns expressed during the World Advisory Council of Formation that took place in Genzano in February 2024. Brother Raymond also presented other formation concerns from the formation sector, including databases, the qualification plan for confreres, the preparation of teachers and formators, investment in Salesianity through the preparation of some experts, the monitoring of student confreres who are in Rome. Other aspects were discussed such as the functioning of the curatorium in the houses of formation, the large number of candidates, the need for the exchange of teachers and formators, financial solidarity and self-financing, the reality of interprovincial and intercultural communities.
On Sunday, October 20, during the two morning sessions, Brother Raymond presented to the assembly the study of the new Ratio with the criteria and norms. He gave time to read passages from the said Ratio and then to arrive at discussions in assembly. In the afternoon of this Sunday, the group of confreres had an outing: the visit to the palace of Queen Manjakamiadana near Antananarivo, as well as to the cathedral and the Salesian novitiate.
On Monday, October 21, the participants in the meeting continued the study of the Ratio. First, Fr Camiel presented the work carried out on Salesian studies planned in the stages of initial formation, based on Appendix 8 of the Ratio. Then, he explained the project of the “School of Salesianity for Africa-Madagascar”, which constitutes ongoing formation in Salesianity. After the personal reading by the participants of the guidelines for the Salesian studies program (Appendix 8), there was again a sharing in assembly. Still concerning the Ratio, Fr André invited the confreres to reflect on the role and functions of the provincial formation delegate and the provincial formation commission. There was a personal reading and discussions in assembly, in particular on good practices and challenges. To conclude this day, Fr André spoke about the formation concerns highlighted on the occasion of the Team Visit in Kigali (February 2024).
On Tuesday, October 22, Brother Raymond presented a summary report on a research seminar on sharing the Salesian charism and mission to people of other religions (seminar held in India). After a personal reading, there was time to discuss the realities we are experiencing in our region. Then, Fr. Camiel presented the calendar of possible ongoing formation programs by SAFCAM, while also inviting the Provinces to present their formation requests. Then, Brother Raymond spoke of three important events for the year 2025. These are the Jubilee of the Church, mentioning the “Bull of Indiction of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025”, given by Pope Francis (“Spes non confundit”); the Strenna of the Rector Major for 2025, “Anchored in Hope, Pilgrims with the Young”; and the 150th anniversary of the first Salesian missionary expedition. Afterwards, Brother Raymond spoke again about the formation of formators at the UPS and the Salesian school of spiritual accompaniment. Then, Father André guided the participants for the evaluation of the formation plan at the regional level during this current six-year period, examining the functioning of the regional formation commission (RFC). It was necessary to point out the positive results, challenges and make proposals for the future. Towards the end of the day, still with the help of the coordinator, Fr. André, the assembly managed to formulate some lines of action that will be proposed to the CIVAM-Provincials. Finally, the commission proposed the possible dates and places for the next meeting, knowing that the GC 29 will have given guidelines for a next six-year period. Then, the participants were invited to evaluate the meeting.
On Wednesday, October 23, the CRF-2024 meeting was closed with the Eucharistic celebration.