First session organized by SAFCAM

The Africa-Madagascar Salesian Formation Centre (Don Bosco – SAFCAM), organised a formation course from 8 to 12 April at the Don Bosco Youth Educational Services" (DBYES). It was on Salesian Spiritual Accompaniment at the level of the Africa-Madagascar Region. The ten participants, eight (8) SDBs and two (2) FMAs came from East Africa (AFE); Tanzania (TZA), Africa Nigeria Niger (ANN) and Southern West Africa (AOS). Fr Cyril Odia and Fr Philip Lazatin, SDB, were the facilitators for the formation meetings. The course began with the presentation of the Emmaus Experience as an icon of spiritual direction. After personal reflection and sharing in the assembly, participants were given the scriptural and historical context of accompaniment or spiritual direction. Facilitators helped participants understand the nature and process of spiritual accompaniment. The Characteristics of a Good Spiritual Director and the usual Stages of Spiritual Growth were also presented. For the participants it was also fascinating to explore Salesian accompaniment, reflecting on the experience and style of Don Bosco, and thus become aware of the Salesian pastoral and spiritual accompaniment in Formation and Mission. In addition, some case studies on the image of God and other real situations were presented, as well as useful tools for spiritual accompaniment. Participants also had practice sessions on some topics covered. In the final meACeting everyone expressed their appreciation for this important course and suggested organising it also for other members of the Salesian Family and in the houses of formation. Special thanks went to the SAFCAM facilitators and team.