Salesian Manifesto of Faith, Hope and Joy
We resolve to respond with greater generosity to the vocation we have received from God, so that we may be builders of communion, and may collaborate with passion for God and neighbour, and in communion with the whole Church, to construct the civilisation of love.

Salesian Manifesto of Faith, Hope and Joy
Our founder Saint John Bosco,
Father, Friend and Teacher of youth,
as well as Mystic, Prophet and Servant of the poor,
docile to the gifts of the Spirit,
and open to the reality of his times,
was for young people, especially the needy and vulnerable,
an icon of the love and the special care of God.
He remains our role model and our guide
as we walk the path of friendship with Jesus,
so that we may continue to discover in him and in his Gospel
the meaning of our own lives,
and the purpose of the lives in our care.
We trust that in so doing we find true happiness.
We resolve to respond with greater generosity
to the vocation we have received from God,
so that we may be builders of communion,
and may collaborate with passion for God and neighbour,
and in communion with the whole Church,
to construct the civilisation of love.
With the grace of unity and perseverance,
and relying on the intercession of Mary Help of Christians
and the Saints of the Salesian Family,
we commit ourselves to live model Christian lives,
in harmony with the spirit of the beatitudes.
We hope and pray that at the hour of our death
we will join St John Bosco and our vast family in heaven.