GC28 Retreat
11 conferences arranged by Don Alfred Maravilla based on documents arising out of GC28

A note about Don Maravilla sdb
Alfred Maravilla, currently Superior of the Vice Province of Papua New Guinea-Solomon Islands (PGS) was elected. Alfred Maravilla was born in Silay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines, on 31 July 1962. After completing his novitiate in Canlubang, he left as a missionary to Papua New Guinea, where he made perpetual vows on 24 March 1988 in Gabutu. After studying Theology in Cremisan, Israel, he received priestly ordination in his hometown on August 15, 1992. For him too it is a return to a Department where he had already collaborated: from 2008 to 2017, he was in Rome, working with the formation and accompaniment of missionaries.
He put together in the course of GC28 some of the enriching inputs which he hoped to use when he would return to his PGS vice-province to transmit the general chapter to the confreres. Now that he is not returning, he offers these conferences for use as input for a complete 6-day retreat, or even for individual conferences over the coming months...