
SAFCAM, as a resource in the Region for the growth of the Salesian Charism, aims to –
Promote commitment to lifelong formation, especially in view of the need to interiorize the Salesian consecrated identity in its deepest values.
- Motivate confreres in the study of our Salesian identity, history and spirituality, through exchanges with other specialised centres in the Congregation, keeping in mind the diverse local cultures.
- Favour the inculturation of the Charism and the Preventive System through appropriate programmes, workshops and publications, encouraging communities to make use of the EPC channels to this end.
- Foster the online and long-distance learning and formation opportunities, following various positive experiences in the Congregation, in collaboration with the Formation Department.
- Assist in the preparation of confreres as spiritual guides.
- Give special attention to the specific challenges presented to the Salesian vocation and mission by social/cultural/religious/ecclesial trends typical of the Region.
- Help the Circumscriptions/Provinces to prepare first-time Rectors and provide courses in community leadership.
- Provide Salesian formation for lay mission partners, jointly with SDBs and members of the Salesian Family.
- Offer capacity building for formation guides on specific key aspects of formation, like the presentation of the Salesian consecrated identity in its two forms during the initial stages of formation, and in the shared mission with the laity.
- Help the communities to update their book/video/digital libraries in the field of religious life, Salesianity, spirituality, and youth ministry.