The Rainbow Prayer
Now help us colour our world with kindness and love!

The Rainbow Prayer
Lord of all creation,
Out of love and kindness for us
You made the golden sunrises that brighten our days;
You made the white clouds that journey through the blue skies;
You made the green grass that softens the ground beneath our feet;
You made the brown earth in which tour fruits grow;
You made the purple mountains that border our horizons;
You made the red sunsets that bring our days to an end;
You made the indigo night sky which gives us time to rest;
You painted all the world with colour and left a rainbow in the sky.
Now help us colour our world with kindness and love!
Give us the VIOLET of Forgiveness:
Help us to forgive the people who hurt us and annoy us;
Help us to say sorry to the people that we hurt!
Lord colour our world with kindness and love.
Give us the INDIGO of Gratitude:
Help us to be grateful people and to say thank you for all the things
that we have. Lord colour our world with kindness and love.
Give us the BLUE of Patience:
Help us be calm when things go wrong,
And help us to have the patience with others that you have with us.
Lord colour our world with kindness and love.
Give us the GREEN of Hope:
Help us have a positive attitude towards life;
Help us to respect all of your creation.
Make us aware of the needs of nature and of our fragile planet.
Lord colour our world with kindness and love.
Give us the YELLOW of Joy:
Help us to live to the fullest; to laugh and to smile
And to enjoy the gifts that you’ve given us.
Help us to celebrate the gift of life.
Lord colour our world with kindness and love.
Give us the ORANGE of Caring:
Help us to be with those who are sad or hurting;
Help us to think about other peoples’ feelings.
Lord colour our world with kindness and love.
Give us the RED of Courage:
Help us to see the difference between good and bad in the world.
Help us to do something about any injustice and wrong.
Help us to make a difference by being a force for good in our world.
Lord colour our world with kindness and love.
Yes Lord, help us colour our world with kindness and love
and so be a beautiful rainbow people.