Covid realism. No need to panic
COVID isn’t going anywhere. It is not just a pandemic. It’s endemic. We will always have it with us. We just need to learn to live with it!

Covid realism. No need to panic.
As we keep relapsing into mask mandates and lockdowns and general COVID hysteria,
and vaccine impositions, it might be helpful to remind everyone of an important fact:
COVID isn’t going anywhere. It is not just a pandemic. It’s endemic. We will always have it with us.
What’s more, you are almost certainly going to get COVID if you haven’t already. Everyone…
They tell us now that even the vaccinated are contracting the virus in large numbers.
Everyone is getting it. Everyone will get it. And almost everyone will get over.
So, why are you worried? Stop trying to avoid it. The younger you get it the easier it is to get over it.
What is there to be anxious about? Anxiety comes from the unknown but this is not an unknown.
It is out there and you will get it, just as you’ll get a lot of other stuff too, in the course of your life.
You’ll get cancer eventually in one form or another.
Almost everyone gets cancer unless they die first.
And you will die. Everyone dies. You can’t escape that, either.
You will suffer and you will die and it will probably hurt when you do.
This is the life you were born into. All living beings were born into it.
What makes us unique is that we are aware of our situation. We know that we will die.
We can estimate the years or even the days.
We can see the graves and know that one day we will be in one.
The flu is more dangerous to children than COVID,
and yet nobody has ever suggested putting our kids in masks to protect against that virus.
So, making masks mandatory for children reveals how utterly irrational our approach to COVID is.
It’s not that there was less masking during flu seasons in the past,
but that there was absolutely none at all. Nobody ever considered it. It was not an option.
That’s because, although the flu is a greater danger to kids,
there was never any propaganda campaign to make us afraid of it.
We may have been concerned about the flu, cautious about it to a certain extent,
but we maintained a proper perspective and continued living our lives.
Many people have lost their ability to do that with COVID.
They are overwhelmed by their own fear. Fear is the real pandemic now.
The COVID virus can’t destroy our civilization. The fear virus can, and is already harming it.
There are two paths we can take once you have contemplated these facts.
One is to hide away and live paralysed in fear;
to be so worried about protecting your life that you don’t do anything with it,
treating life like some sort of collector’s item to be kept in plastic up on the shelf.
Many have chosen and continue to choose this course of action
because the thought of death is so intolerable to them.
They had never contemplated mortality before all of this, and now that they have to,
and they can’t bear to face the implications.
They cry out to the ‘nanny-like’ governments to protect them, to keep them safe,
to hold them close to their bosoms and whisper reassuring words. And yet they will still die.
But they will have wasted so much of their lives
trying to prevent the very thing that was always going to happen.
That is what makes this option so fundamentally irrational and tragic.
The other path is to go outside, feel the sun, breathe the air,
and live your life while you can, because what else is there to do with it?
This is not recommending that we should be reckless or take no precautions of any kind.
It simply means that we should try to regain some sense of proportion, and even urgency.
How many years can we really afford to waste hiding behind masks and plexiglass barriers,
afraid of human contact, afraid of crowds, afraid of what we used to consider our normal life?
Too many have already allowed this madness to consume a year and a half of their existence.
How many more will it claim? When is it no longer going to be worth the cost?
It has never been worth the cost, and so let us choose the non-paranoid, non-fearful path.
We’ll be just as dead as everyone else at the end of it, but at least we’ll have lived in the meantime.
- Adapted from an opinion piece by Matt Walsh – 14-08-2021 on the Daily Wire