SAFCAM Communique #65 - English

SAFCAM Communique #65 * 21/08/2021
Dear Subscribers
Happy feast of Pius X.
Kabul-Afghanistan! This past week it felt like nothing else happened in the world. Even Covid-news took a back seat to the news! And Haiti’s tragic earthquake hardly received the attention it deserved. So you must be tired of hearing about it. But just a comment for our communique #65.
The dramatic Taliban takeover has been presented as a defeat of the USA and allies… But should it be called that when there was not even a battle? The shocking surrender of the Afghan government and army reminded me of the way the book of Joshua recounts how the Israelites just walked in to the promised land!
It goes to show that however much an army can be trained; however much external supervision is assured – even over many years like the past two decades, unless hearts and minds are converted, once the policing is halted, the barbarism of opportunistic bullies will take the chance to assume power.
We used to worry about dictatorships, totalitarian communist governments, apartheid regimes,… and we have been decrying oppression and injustice. Now the world is terrified by Taliban-styled Militant Islam. Despite a whole generation of influence – 20 years! – the huge investment of the USA among other international organizations for the people of Afghanistan, it seems that the military provided only a cover for people to live in a semblance of law and order. They were not able to influence the culture, nor convert the hearts and minds of the majority, to adopt more enlightened values of democracy or ‘freedom, equality and fraternity’.
So once the Taliban took the chance to regain their control, filling the vacuum created by the withdrawal of American forces, the Afghan military, who had all the training and equipment they could wish for, nevertheless did not have the heart and mind to fight for any foreign benefactor, and preferred to allow the devil they knew a free pass to power, rather than risk their lives and suffer retribution for ‘collaboration’.
Citizens remember the previous Taliban regime and its harsh application of Sharia law. Women were not allowed to leave their homes without a male guardian. They had to wear a full burqa in public. They were not allowed to drive a vehicle. They were not allowed to attend school past the age of twelve. Failure to follow sharia law resulted in severe punishments; some women had the tops of their fingers amputated for the crime of being caught wearing nail polish. And women accused of adultery were stoned to death.
In the last 20 years, a generation of Afghan women have been brought up with some freedom and many have been able to study and work. Inevitably many dread a return to the oppression of the past. While there is rhetoric from the Taliban of a more tolerant approach, there are already reports of women, including journalists, losing their jobs, girls’ schools being closed, and images of women without burqas on shop windows being removed.
As for all the assurances that America had offered, they’re like a load of (Ka)bull now. Similarly, the Taliban’s appeal to be trusted by the Afghan population, that they will be respected and not suffer any oppression (besides compliance with Sharia law) – another load of (Ka)bull! How can they expect to be trusted?
As for us, we can count ourselves very fortunate to live in the “free world”. However, we have other less violent, but as harmful and more insidious forces invading the hearts and minds – wokeism, cancel culture and gender ideology – which risk becoming as tyrannical as the Taliban one day!
Amidst so much sad news, the steaming hot Good News is that Fr Cyril’s feature film is going to finally hit the screens. It was due to be launched in April 2020 but the pandemic delayed all the plans:
Here is his email to me minutes ago -
From: cyril <> Sent: Saturday, 21 August 2021 14:16
To: Francois Dufour Subject: THE ORATORY MOVIE premiere
Dear Fr. Francois,
I am pleased to inform you that after a long process of production and logistics my movie project is now rescheduled to premiere in Dublin on the 10th of September.
After this we hope to bring it home to the Africa with arrangements with our various provinces who may be interested to help in the promotion of the film. I believe that our charism will grow by using this platform that is open for further expansion in our youth pastoral ministry and mission.
I want to thank you again for your inspiration and support always.
God bless. Cyril Odia sdb (from AFW, presently Rector of the community of Maynooth, IRL)
- The trailer is available on YouTube – just search ‘THE ORATORY MOVIE’
Talking of movies, have you heard of the DBGYFF?
In a special message to the provincials on the feast of the Assumption (and available on the website) the Rector Major appealed to the provincials and their confreres to promote the “Don Bosco Global Youth Film Festival” project: (details on
“I would like to ask you to help us to realise a fine initiative. I hope you will take it up with interest and support it through your provincial communication delegate. I am referring to the DBGYFF. I strongly encourage you to recommend to all our confreres to look upon this initiative as an opportunity to reach out to young people, to encourage and motivate them. In fact, this is our first attempt as a Salesian Congregation to unite all our young people around the world and invite them to express their creative talents through film and their creativity as filmmakers. This festival is our festival, the name of Don Bosco will resonate in the minds and hearts of young people in the 134 countries where we are present, and especially on 18 and 19 November when we will screen the films that many young people are already making. It is my hope and dream that this festival of cinema will become an excellent tool for welcoming, encouraging and empowering our young people on a yearly basis This sdb initiative for the whole Salesian world also gives us a wonderful opportunity to connect with the sensibilities of young people from all nations and offer them this global creative platform to showcase and build on their dreams and aspirations. The theme of this year's competition is ‘Moved by Hope’ (in keeping with Strenna); we want to encourage our young people to become ambassadors of hope, through their participation and artistic creation.
So, my dear Fr Provincials, I only ask that through your delegates you try to get this great project on the move and full of energy in your Provinces and countries. I remind you that we are the children of a great dreamer. I am convinced that Don Bosco is proud and happy about this initiative to unite, encourage and motivate young people in a creative way towards the common good.” – Don Angel
- Come one confreres of the region! With a couple of teens, take up the challenge. Entries must be submitted by the 30th September 2021. There are 100,000 Euros to be won in prizes.
URLs for some very useful websites: (explore them at your leisure!) – innovative educational ideas – especially the blog section – excellent articles – for brilliant resources to counteract gender ideology – for ethical answers and advice on health question and issues or – The Art of Catholic!
Links to an amazing idea: - A Franciscan takes up a position on strategic spot in a busy pedestrian street in Preston town, England, and holds up the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance for 8 minutes of spontaneous adoration by passers-by – a spiritual flash-mob idea – while a recorded list of who Jesus is invites all to come and kneel before him. See the numerous comments below the clip on YouTube. - Fr Alphonse Owoudou – regional for Africa-Madagascar – interesting 38-minute interview with Fr Henry Mathagu (AFE) and produced by BEAMS (Bosco East Africa Media Services)
God bless - Camiel and François
* Disclaimer : Not everything published on our website or through this communique necessarily reflects the opinion or official stance of SAFCAM or the Salesian Congregation nor even teaching of the Catholic Church. Some postings are intended to provoke reflection on alternative views to the mainstream media and cancel-culture, where too often only popular ‘acceptable’ opinions are tolerated!