SAFCAM Communique #49 - English

SAFCAM Communique #49 24/04/2021 En français ci-dessous
Dear Subscribers
Stop calling God! Stop and Listen to God calling YOU!
The 4th Sunday of Easter is traditionally always "Good Shepherd" Sunday.
Today we mainly want to look at Jesus, and see Him as the Good Shepherd.
How is Jesus the true and only Good Shepherd for us today?
The genuine good shepherd should have the following qualities:
- He gives his life for his own (Jn 10,11).
- He knows his people and this knowledge is always an expression of love (Jn 10:14).
- He cares about all the sheep so that they all belong to his flock (Jn 10:16).
- For all this, the true good shepherd is ready to give his life for his sheep (Jn 10:17).
On this “Good Shepherd” day, it is important to ask ourselves whether we are willing to become good shepherds like Jesus. Are we ready to make the qualities mentioned our own? Are we growing into true "good shepherds"?
The 4th Sunday of Easter is also always the annual ‘World Day of Prayer for Vocations’. We must include prayer for “all” vocations. The Pope's message this year focuses on Saint Joseph and the family. We need good husbands and wives, homes or families that are fulfilled, serene, united, happy. Obviously, we do not forget to pray for vocations to consecrated, religious and priestly life either. The SAFCAM website also offers some items regarding vocational discernment and promotion.
The LATEST UNFPA publication: “My Body is my OWN – Claiming the right to autonomy and self-determination”
Fr Silvio Roggia notified us that this latest very slick UNFPA publication is available on internet. It is lengthy! 164 pages long! But it is important to at least browse through it. We Salesians need to be familiar with this stuff, as much as with the latest Vatican publications, the scriptures, canon law etc… It is important to keep updated about the UN agendas, in order to be relevant to those who are totally immersed in, if not indoctrinated, by the ideological colonization which is promoted.
And we need to be able to articulate the ‘antidote vaccines’, the true values, tried and tested for 2000 years, and which are essential to live holy Christian lives. The issues and social ills that the report tackles are vital ones, but most of the solutions advocated are false and will only lead to further misery. I cannot but be sceptical about many of the statistics given on various issues, which seem thumb-sucked and manipulated in favour of the globalist agenda. There is however very useful population and demographic statistics – country by country - at the end of the book. For the most part the UNFPA through this publication advocates for the autonomy of children from any control by their parents, the decriminalizing of abortion and sex work (and even justifies these), the lowering of the age of consent, the options of surrogacy and the need to ensure reproductive health services worldwide. Meanwhile it condemns conversion therapy for those suffering sexual dysphoria, etc… The publication claims to present an accurate ‘state of the world’s population’, but really it mainly aims to influence governments to implement the UNFPA agenda.
Click on this link to access the ‘report’ and download it:
The Sessions on Educating to affective maturity and sexuality started this past week. Find on the powerpoint which provides the material presented during the first session, and which can be downloaded, adapted and re-used in teaching teens about their biological selves, or used for training teachers or parents too!
Nic Vujicic inspires in a TEDx talk, on the theme of overcoming hopelessness – if you are seeking some more input on HOPE, on being motivated by hope (Strenna 2021) – have a look at this inspiring 14-minute clip! - Nic has many other talks on YouTube. Just search YouTube for them simply using his name.
Memo to: Jesus bar Joseph From: Galilee HR Consultants
Re: The twelve men you submitted for assessments.
Dear Sir
All of the 12 whom you selected for management positions in your new venture have undergone our battery of psycho-metric tests. We have not only run the results through our computer system, but also arranged personal interviews for each of them with our psychologist and vocational aptitude consultant.
It is our examiners’ opinion that most of your nominees are lacking in background, education and vocational aptitude for the type of enterprise you are undertaking. We would recommend that you continue your search for persons of experience in managerial ability and proven capability.
Simon Peter is emotionally unstable and given to fits of temper.
Andrew has absolutely no qualities for leadership.
The two brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee, place personal interest above company loyalty.
Thomas demonstrates a questioning attitude that would tend to undermine morale in the team.
We feel it is our duty to inform you that Matthew the tax-collector has been blacklisted by the Greater Jerusalem Chamber of Business.
As for Thaddeus and James, the sons of Alpheus, they have radical leanings and both registered a high score on the manic-depressive scale.
Out of you 12 candidates, only one really shows great potential. He is a man of ability and resourcefulness, he meets people well, has a keen business mind and has contacts in high places. Yes we believe we can recommend Judas Iscariot as your controller and right-hand man.
All the other profiles are, we think, self-explanatory and conclusively negative, but do not hesitate to approach us if you have any further queries.
We wish you every success with your new organisation.
Yours faithfully - J. Wise Ph.D psy. - Chairman
Have a wonderful Sunday! In union of prayer for various vocations and their mission in society and the Church.
Camiel and François