The Playground as HOLY-Ground
Play is at the centre of the Christian youth minister’s presence among young people. It is a spiritual attitude which regards creation as God's playground and every person as God's beloved playful child.

Play is not the opposite of serious, and if the serious neglects "play", it becomes un-creative and vain. Play is at the centre of the Christian youth minister’s presence among young people. It is a spiritual attitude which regards creation as God's playground and every person as God's beloved playful child.
And so, youth ministers need to strive to be educators who are not limited to the classroom or Sunday school hall or the pulpit. Our classroom and pulpit extend onto the playground and the chapel, the dance floor and the street. As for the educational methodology required, it begins with an active loving presence among young people wherever they are. The playground is the place where the teacher/minister and young person can best meet as friends, enjoy each other's company, and grow in mutual understanding and respect.
It is vital that young people not only be loved by their educators, but that they should know they are loved. Without the familiarity and relationship building of the playground, it is difficult to show love, and that unless love is shown, there cannot then arise the familiarity which is essential for any evangelising and educational activity to succeed.
Side by side with the young, the minister learns about their ever-changing world, their interests, their humour, their families and friends, their likes and dislikes - all at first hand. He (please excuse the sexist language) discovers their strengths and weakness, the leaders and the bullies, the fearful and the popular. His own friendly presence among them reveals God's love which is patient and compassionate. The youth pastor cannot remain an outsider; he must belong. With the example of Jesus, he cannot refuse the call "to pitch his tent" in the world of youth.
A noisy playground is a meeting place with God. The concern of any youth minister must be geared towards the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual welfare and growth of young people, and the playground is where this concern best manifests itself. How can we appreciate "the value of the smallest soul of all" if we have not heard ourselves addressed as "beloved child" by God, and not played with the Lord of the planetary playground in intimate recreation with him? How can we have the patience, the understanding and the humility to be ourselves with the young, if we do not know ourselves as being chosen as we are? Being with the young in this radical way is the key to youth ministry. We must strive to have a healing presence which begins with an availability to listen.
It is a constant challenge to let go of our own importance, our comfort, our security. It is a call to approach the world of young people as holy ground because God speaks to us through them; a call to stand with them against all that would enslave them; a call to go barefoot out of reverence for each young person on his or her pilgrimage; a call to the educator to be forever young in imitation of our God who plays in the midst of his creation with the seriousness and enthusiasm of a child!
Just a concluding thought: Jesus taught adults and played with children. We tend to teach children and play with adults! Is that perhaps one of our “modern” mistakes?
Francois Dufour sdb
(inspired by a poem of Fr Hugh O’Donnell sdb – Ireland)