Boy saved from a bullet by the crucifix he wore around his neck in Argentina

Boy saved from a bullet by the crucifix he wore around his neck in Argentina
After being hit by a stray bullet on New Years Eve, 9-year-old Tiziano was saved thanks to the metal crucifix he wore around his neck.
His cross saved his life. On the evening of December 31, a few hours before the transition to 2021, while playing in front of his home in Las Talitas (northern Argentina), the young Tiziano, 9 years old, felt a pain in his chest. He had indeed just been hit by a stray bullet. Rushed to hospital by concerned family members, he was soon discharged with only a superficial bruise to his chest.
What saved him from death?
The metal crucifix given to him by his father and which he wore around his neck. It was this treasured object that the bullet struck, protecting the young boy and saving his life.
In a photo posted on social media, the bullet hole in the back of the crucifix is clearly visible. For his family and friends, this is clearly a New Year's miracle.
What is certain is that Tiziano is starting 2021 very well.