Communique # 14 St Alphonsus 01-08-2020

Communique # 14 St Alphonsus 01-08-2020
Dear Subscribers
Since the pandemic is still threatening, most of us are having to resort to online formation and ministry. So this week we recommend some useful internet resources and digital materials to read.
And don’t forget to visit regularly where we keep posting new items weekly.
- Free online Leadership Course
Upcoming Sessions:
2020 - September 14 - November 22. Apply by August 28, 2020
2021 - January 11 - March 21. Apply by January 4, 2021
Information: and
“The lessons learned in this program are unique and dive deeper into self-reflection than any other course I have ever taken. My development skills evolved during these last weeks and it was noticed by my mentor and my staff. Thank you!”
- Autumn 2017 participant
“This has been truly a life changing experience. I have been using the tools and skills learned and I can see how I am more organized, enjoying a more peaceful environment at the office.” - Autumn 2019 participant
This Values-centered Leadership Certificate is a 10-week, non-credit course in leadership development. Participating in a supportive online learning community, you will explore universal values, principles and practices to help ground and improve your leadership skills. Those who successfully engage in all elements of the course will receive a certificate of participation.
Mainly aimed at - Individuals in private or public, for-profit or nonprofit (NGO) organizations.
Ministers, advisors, counselors and team leaders (anyone who mentors and coordinates others).
Individuals who aspire to improve their organizations informed by mission and values.
All who believe that learning can transform when it happens from the inside out.
Topics Include:
Creating a Cooperative Learning Community; Organizational Leadership Challenges;
Contemporary Values-based Models; Diversity and Multi-cultural Issues;
Growing Ethical Leaders from Inside Out; Making Time and Energy Work for You;
Applying Multiple Intelligences in Leadership Leadership Coaching: Principles and Practice;
Managing Conflicting Values; Creating Your Leadership Action Plan
- See this 6 min. video exposing the harmful CSE (Comprehensive Sexuality Education) agenda -
3. Resources against two of the great contemporary social evils: human trafficking and pornography:
Look up and and
Must reads which are available on the SAFCAM website:
- ACTS 432– Latest Letter of the RM – also on website
- If you are not yet subscribed to the ANS-Newsletter that provides half a dozen news items from the Salesian world daily then just send a ‘please subscribe me’ mail to -
- If you are in parish ministry and have not read the latest Vatican Document called – “The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church”, it would be well to do so! (easily found via a google search, or on
- If you are a rector (even an aspiring one) or a confrere in any community – you have obviously already got a copy (maybe not in print but digitally at least) of the “Rector’s Manual” now baptized: ‘Animating and governing the community – the ministry of the Salesian Rector’. Study it!
- If you do not yet have the common Salesian prayers downloaded into your phone or tablet, “In dialogue with the Lord” is available from and also on
Happy month of August. In union of prayer, Camiel and Francois