Modern Moral Evolution
We are not succeeding in transforming hearts and minds to cultivate and sustain a Culture of Life, and we are losing the younger generation to materialism, secularism and moral relativism

Modern Moral evolution: A recent Gallup poll exposed three scary truths.
First, we are not succeeding in transforming hearts and minds to cultivate and sustain a Culture of Life.
Second, we are losing the younger generation to materialism, secularism and moral relativism.
Third, the moral compass and Christian conscience in modern society is systematically being phased out of existence while indifference and tolerance of evil fill the void.
I usually place little emphasis upon polls; however, the results of this survey highlight and parallel trends we see around the world.
Societies are radically rejecting centuries of Judeo-Christian beliefs concerning life and family while embracing a secular view of life and the human person.
Regarding homosexuality.
61% of Americans of all ages now believe same-sex unions should be recognized by the law as valid.
83% of 18 to 29 year olds endorse and defend the gay lifestyle.
83% of non-religious people polled believe it is a morally acceptable lifestyle.
The redefinition of marriage is supported by 62% of Catholics, 41% of Protestants, and 85% of Jews.
Regarding euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide:
according to Gallup…
47% of Catholics, 43% of Protestants, and 73% of Jews found these morally acceptable, compared to 77% from those claiming no religion.
Regarding premarital sex:
Catholics polled at 68%, Protestants at 50%, and Jews at 83% finding promiscuity morally acceptable.
88% of non-religious see no issue with promiscuous behaviour.
This is a cause for grave concern, especially as we confront the contraceptive mentality and the violence of abortion as consequences of this immoral behaviour.
Regarding abortion
38% of Catholics, 33% of Protestants, and 76% of Jews find abortion acceptable.
Those with non-religious status poll at 73%.
So secular culture is strong and has noticeable influence, even on religious believers who ought to have strong convictions in these matters.
And each of the above numbers tells a story about the challenges we face in the pro-life and family movements.
How do we educate our members on the consequences of anti-life and family ideologies and agendas? How do we prevent our faithful from slipping into secular and moral relativism?
The process of destabilizing centuries of Judeo-Christian beliefs and the normalizing moral relativism must be counteracted by the Gospel of Life
A key strategy is the re-formation of conscience as proposed by Pope Saint John Paul II:
“What is urgently called for is a general mobilization of consciences and a united ethical effort to activate a great campaign in support of life. All together, we must build a new culture of life: new, because it will be able to confront and solve today's unprecedented problems affecting human life; new, because it will be adopted with deeper and more dynamic conviction by all Christians; new, because it will be capable of bringing about a serious and courageous cultural dialogue among all parties. While the urgent need for such a cultural transformation is linked to the present historical situation, it is also rooted in the Church's mission of evangelization. The purpose of the Gospel, in fact, is "to transform humanity from within and to make it new.” (Evangelium vitae n. 95)
We and all people of faith play a pivotal role in winning back the culture and turning the tide in favour of life and family. We cannot ignore the stats. People are confused and ignorant about what is objectively good, true, and beautiful; they are unable to distinguish good from what is evil. We have to reform consciences. We must win back our educational systems -civil and religious. The moral relativists have made great strides in overtaking educational programs indoctrinating our young people with aberrant definitions of sexuality and human relationships, while simultaneously undermining the central role of the natural family.
Are we discouraged, or are we awakened and motivated?
The stats provide us with a greater understanding of our foe and motivates us to re-evaluate our objectives, strategies, and tactics. Complacency and apathy are unacceptable!