Online session Francis de Sales-1

Nairobi, Kenya - September 2022
On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the death of St. Francis de Sales, SAFCAM - Salesian Formation Centre for Africa and Madagascar - has organized a series of continuing education seminars in English and French on the Zoom platform. The seminars, which run from September through May 2023, are based on the book by one of the leading experts on the thought of St. Francis de Sales, Fr Gianni Ghiglione, "Was Don Bosco a True Salesian? A Comparison of Two Saints Based on Seven Key Words of Their Spirituality." SAFCAM, with the team composed of Fr Camiel Swertvagher and Fr Gerald Nicholas Umoh, a new member succeeding Fr Francis Dufour, is not only for Salesians but also for members of the Salesian Family and lay collaborators on the African continent. This center of animation is also designed for the training of formators, spiritual accompaniment, and many other themes of Salesianism. (ANS, 22/09/2022)