Scrutiny on the vow of chastity
Occasional community scrutiny

Scrutinium Castitatis – for Community reflection
(This scrutiny could also be accompanied by the revision of the child safeguarding protocols and the principles of the Code of Conduct or Integrity in Ministry)
In our striving to live chastely, do we realize that we are drawn closer to Jesus in a mysterious way?
Does our “exemption” from caring for a wife and children actually make us more available to serve others, or do we spend the time instead only on ourselves?
Do we see our confreres as our “spouse”, and the youth, pupils, and parishioners, as our children!?
Does our vow of chastity make us more loving and sensitive, more open to our confreres and others? More life-giving? More patient and gentle? How well do we fulfil our obligations to our community?
Are we careful enough to avoid situations that could put us in compromising positions and avoid giving rise to gossip if not scandal?
Do we appreciate and are we grateful enough for the freedom we enjoy through an “immunity” to being used, abused, or infected with any of the diseases transmitted through promiscuity?
Do we pray enough as a community to sustain our commitment to the sacrifices required of our vow of celibacy?
Do we recognise and appreciate the many hugs God gives us each day in various ways?
How many people do we genuinely personally love? Are we able to list them?
Do people consider us frustrated bachelors because of the way we throw tantrums or are abrupt in our reactions to them?
How do we answer the question: “Why don't priests and brothers and nuns get married? What's the use of remaining celibate?”
How should we answer questions about priestly/religious celibacy in ways that make sense to young people and old?