The ten beatitudes of mobile-users
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who from the boat of his life threw his cell phone overboard and began to live!

The ten beatitudes of mobile-users
What if detachment from your cellphone gave you access to another reality?
Truly, truly, I tell you: the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who from the boat of his life threw his cell phone overboard and began to live. The present moment became his compass, will his rudder, and brotherhood his sail.
Happy they who use their cellphone sparingly and do are not slaves to it;
they will take back their life in hand.
Happy those who dare to switch off their cellphones for an evening with friends or family;
they will live real moments of fellowship and joy.
Happy are those who dare to turn off their cell phone when they are working;
they will work.
Happy those who dare to turn off their cellphones when traveling;
this will open up for them a galaxy of possibilities: to read, sleep, pray, write, reflect, meet wonderful strangers, appreciate the landscape, or even relax and do nothing.
Happy those who dare to delete those dear ultra practical applications considered essential for those who wish to vegetate, but quite useless for any who want to really live;
this will save them money, time and absorption.
Happy those who dare to remove any notifications from their apps;
they will not be managed by algorithms but will manage their life more productively and live in the present moment.
Happy those who dare to turn off their cellphones during their prayer time;
they will truly pray!
Happy those who dare to not pick up their cell phone when they are bored, stressed or waiting;
they will enjoy being bored, deal better with stress, discover the world, appreciate solitude, live more attentive to their spouses, and play sports.
Happy those who dare to confess wasting hours, damaging their eyes with screens, and harming certain relationships;
they will receive the mercy and strength of God.
Happy those who dare to live; they will turn off their cell phones.
- Joseph Challier – Published on 14/07/21 on Aleteia