A ‘Disease’ Worse Than Cervical Cancer
A recent piece on CNN shows how the media are being controlled and used as a tool of ideological colonization.

A ‘Disease’ Worse Than Cervical Cancer
A recent piece on CNN clearly shows that the media are being controlled and used as a tool of ideological colonization.
CNN – one of the most influential neoliberal TV networks in the USA – featured a piece about the necessity of performing cervical cancer screenings. Normally, there should be nothing that anyone could object to in a news report about the necessity of taking care of one’s health – had it not been formulated in a way that renders pointless the very audience it is intended for. Namely, the piece began with the following sentence: “Individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical screening at 25 and continue through age 65.”
It is an established scientific fact that only women have a cervix. Yet, the new colonization by gender identity ideologues wants to ban words such as ‘man’ and ‘woman’. Because, you may have woken up as a woman this morning, but by lunch time you could change your mind and start identifying as a man. You’d feel uncomfortable and stressed if later in the day somebody addressed you as a female, but since you do have a cervix, they want to remind you to schedule an appointment with your doctor.
The disease is spreading like wildfire. It is worse than cervical cancer. It is a disease of the spirit and it poses a threat to the whole world because of the huge power that is concentrated in the hands of the fallen global elites that seek to impose their abnormality to the world and convince everyone that this abnormality is in fact ‘the new normal.’ And so many buy into that. Some because of their own petty interests, others because they have fallen prey to the lies of the propaganda.
Yet, there will always be people with common sense to stand up to this madness. Like that boy in the Andersen’s story who shouted that the emperor has no clothes, there will always be someone reasonable enough to say that a man is a man, that a woman is a woman, and that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Only their love has the power to create life and bring it into this world. Only the natural family can save the world from this madness.
- Jugoslav Kiprijanović - August 19, 2020 (appeared on ifamnews.com)