A useful Q&A on Don Bosco for candidates to the Salesians
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A useful Q&A on Don Bosco for candidates to the Salesians: 135 Questions
- What kind of an author was Don Bosco?
Don Bosco was a popular writer. The nature of his writings included the following: historical, apologetic, didactic, catechetical, religious, hagiographical, biographical and normative.
- What did don Bosco propose in order to ensure a good “upbringing” of young people?
Don Bosco proposed the following pedagogical elements:
duty, study, cheerfulness and piety.
- What was don Bosco’s aim as an educator?
Don Bosco wanted the children and young people to become an “honour to their country, the support of their families and bring glory and honour to their catholic religion”.
- What did Don Bosco want when children were preparing for first holy communion?
Don Bosco wanted them to practise virtues compatible with their age. He insisted especially on obedience, docility, love for work, study of the catechism, respect and modesty in the church.
- According to Don Bosco what is the real source of true happiness?
Don Bosco was of the opinion that despite poverty one can be happy.
True happiness will follow from the faithful practice of true religion.
- Why did Urban Rattazzi look with a kindly eye on Don Bosco’s works?
Rattazzi was a minister. During a time when there were strong anti-religious tendencies in Italy, he
became the advocate and defender of Don Bosco’s works. He did so since Don Bosco was keeping the young away from unhealthy activities and solving delinquency in the city.
- How did Don Bosco keep the young away from unruly behaviour?
Don Bosco instilled into the young a holy fear of God with his system of education which was known as the preventive system.
- How did Don Bosco practise the preventive system of education?
Don Bosco accompanied the young with loving assistance in recreation, in the classroom and at the workplace.
- How did Don Bosco inculcate fear of God among the young?
Don Bosco motivated the young to love virtue; he created a horror for vice.
He did this by teaching religion and by giving appropriate moral instruction.
- What did Don Bosco propose to the government in order to keep the young away from nefarious activities which eventually brought them to the prison?
Don Bosco instead that at appropriate times, religious instruction should be furnished.
He wanted the caring face of religion with its gentle precepts and practices to be taught to the young.
- What did Don Bosco tell Mr. Francis Bodrato who was surprised at Don Bosco’s mastery over the young?
Don Bosco told him that the young became obedient, docile and ready to do anything that he asked them since “kindness, religion and reason” were the mainsprings of his system of education.
- What was Don Bosco’s view of religion in the education of the young?
Don Bosco said that true and genuine religion directs the actions of the young persons.
Don Bosco added that religion is like the bridle and bit which effectively guides the behaviour of people.
- What are “goodnights”?
Don Bosco’s pedagogical insight made him give a “little talk” or “short speeches” before the young went to sleep.
- What is the content of the “goodnight”?
In the “good night”, the educator gives a piece of good advice or counsel.
S/He advises the young what is to be avoided and what is to be done.
- Why did don Bosco consider “good night” as required in our Salesian houses?
For Don Bosco, it was the key to good behaviour, progress and educational success.
- What did Don Bosco suggest to Don Rua when he was sent as director to a community outside Turin?
Don Bosco gave several bits of advice. One of them was to celebrate Mass and recite his prayers piously, attentively and devoutly. He also recommended him “to make himself loved.”
- Can you recall one of the directives that Don Bosco gave to his teachers who were assisting the young?
Don Bosco said that when there are solemnities, novenas, feast days, etc., they should say a few words about them beforehand so that the young would profit from the liturgical celebrations.
- What did Don Bosco suggest to his priests in order to foster a pastoral attitude?
Don Bosco asked them to willingly lend help for religious services, preaching, celebrating Mass, and hearing of confessions whenever possible.
- In the mind of Don Bosco, what can destroy even flourishing congregations?
Don Bosco said that greed, interest, and vain glory can destroy a congregation.
- How did Don Bosco inculcate love for poverty?
Don Bosco asked the Salesians to avoid unnecessary expenses in clothing, books, furniture, trips etc.
- What was the result of Don Bosco’s little booklet on the preventive system in the education of the young?
Don Bosco acquired great reputation as an educator and pedagogue.
- What are the three pillars on which the preventive system of education is based?
The three pillars are reason, religion, and loving kindness.
- What did Don Bosco say when someone suggested to postpone unduly the reception of the first communion?
He considered such an opinion as a plague that had to be avoided.
- What does don Bosco suggest regarding the first communion?
Don Bosco says that first communion should be given to children when they are able to distinguish between
bread and bread. Don Bosco reminded everyone about the teachings of Council of Trent, which recommended that the faithful should receive communion each time they go for the Mass.
- What does the preventive system consist in?
The preventive system consists in making known the rules and regulations of an Institute and then supervising in such a way that the students are under the vigilant eye of the educators.
- In the mind of Don Bosco who is a true educator?
A true educator is one who is devoted to the well-being of his students; he/she should be prepared to assume every inconvenience and fatigue for the good of the students.
- What is the goal that the educators should have in mind when teaching the young?
The educators should have the civil, moral and intellectual education of the students as their goal when educating the young.
- What is the biblical source for the preventive system?
Don Bosco based his preventive system on the hymn of charity that is found in 1 Cor 13. St Paul among other things says: “Love is kind and patient; it puts up with all things”.
- What did Don Bosco tell the visitor to the oratory who came from England when he was taken up with the perfect silence of 500 boys who were studying?
Don Bosco told him that the secret of discipline was frequent confession and communion and Daily Mass well
attended .
- What does Don Bosco suggest for the education of the young besides religious instruction?
Don Bosco says that there should be recreation centres with music, physical education, and opportunity to run, jump, and healthy theatre.
- Why did Don Bosco provide various technical skills to his young people?
Don Bosco wanted them to be able to earn a living in view of a dignified life.
- Don Bosco wrote several letters to the Salesian missionaries in South America about his system of education. What did he advocate in those letters?
Don Bosco gave fatherly reminders to practise a “pedagogy of charity, patience and kindness”.
- Don Bosco wrote a letter on 10 May 1884 after having a dream! What made don Bosco happy and what made him preoccupied on account of that dream?
Don Bosco was delighted with the active recreation of the young with the Salesians present at their fun and games in the original oratory. Don Bosco was happy to see the cordiality between the Salesians and the young in those earlier times. What made don Bosco sad was the fact that the Salesians were no longer the heart and soul of the recreation. In place of cordiality there was boredom, suspicion and depressive thoughts!
- Who were some models for the young that don Bosco spoke about when addressing the young?
Don Bosco mentioned saintly boys like Comollo, Dominic Savio, Besucco, and Saccardi.
- Don Bosco asked Bishop Cagliero who was in South America to write a letter to the department in Rome for the Propagation of faith. What did he suggest to Cagliero?
Don Bosco told him to provide reports about the missionary journeys of the Salesians working in South America. He told him to give even the number of persons who were being baptized, confirmed, instructed and given shelter in Salesian centres. He also told him to look for vocations for Salesians as well as Salesian sisters.
- In 1885, Don Bosco wrote a letter to Fr Costamagna (missionary in South America) in which he gave some details about the preventive system! Do you recall anything from this letter?
Don Bosco said:
1) avoid punishments,
2) avoid humiliating words,
3) no severe dressing down in the presence of others,
4) instead, be patient, gentle and kind,
5) forget things already forgiven!
- What did Don Bosco suggest in order to be successful in one’s studies?
Don Bosco used to suggest the following:
make an effort, work, diligence, knuckling down and obedience are all part of passing the exams.
- Did Don Bosco take care of his health?
Yes. In 1846, he wrote to Fr Borel that he was going to a village for a break! Don Bosco also had frequent outings (long walks) so that the boys maintained a healthy fitness.
- What are some of the subjects that Don Bosco wanted his clerics to study?
Greek, Latin, Literature, Philosophy, Hebrew, Bible, and Theology. This shows that Don Bosco wanted well educated and learned priests.
- Why did Don Bosco omit negative things when teaching the history of Italy?
Don Bosco supported the principle of two famous educators, namely Girard and Aporti, that whatever could leave a negative impression on the tender minds of the young should be avoided!
- According to Don Bosco, what is discipline?
Discipline is behaving in conformity with the rules and customs of an Institute or society.
- According to Don Bosco what was the means to obtain discipline?
The following are the means: Promoting the faith, reasonableness, loving kindness and a preventive and caring “supervision” of the young.
- What was don Bosco’s advice to teachers?
They should never forget that they are Christian teachers. Therefore they should never miss an opportunity to offer a good thought and advice to the students.
- How do we know that Don Bosco was very familiar with the Bible?
Don Bosco’s letters, good nights and talks are all interspersed with numerous quotations from the Bible.
- Why did Don Bosco publish numerous books and booklets?
Don Bosco noticed the harm done to the young through bad literature. Therefore, he started publishing good classical and modern literature.
- How did Don Bosco oppose bad books?
Don Bosco opposed bad books with good books. He said we need to oppose weapons with weapons!
- What was Don Bosco’s opinion on bad books?
Don Bosco considered bad books as a plague.
- What was Don Bosco’s view on books which are not bad in themselves?
Don Bosco felt that certain books though not objectively bad, are dangerous because they are not suited to the age, studies, inclinations, budding passions and vocation of the young!
- Don Bosco never quit producing books! What is the reason?
Don Bosco was convinced that preaching the good news in printed form, was a service he could witness his love for the faith. Don Bosco even got donations to send good books to hospitals and prisons!
- What was the purpose of the Catholic Readings that Don Bosco published?
The purpose was to preserve the healthy principles of the Catholic Religion. It was also meant to encourage young people to virtue and make the virtuous life attractive.
- What was the aim of The Companion of Youth?
The purpose of this prayer book was to help young people to practice their faith, to pray and instil a spirit of piety, and assist them in frequenting the sacraments.
- On what was The Companion of Youth based?
It was based on the bible. It offered some basics of the Catholic faith.
- How can we recognize the importance of don Bosco’s publication of The companion of Youth?
From 1847 to 1888, this little book went through 119 editions!
- What is the advantage of reading The Companion of Youth?
It helps us understand the basic qualities of Don Bosco’s spiritual pedagogy.
- What was the goal that don Bosco set for the young through The companion of Youth?
He wanted the young
1) to be the consolation of their parents,
2) bring honour to their town,
3) become good citizens on earth, and
4) become inhabitants of heaven.
- What are the main processes that The companion of Youth suggests in order to lead a virtuous life?
1) to grow a correct understanding of God,
2) to know that God loves the young exceedingly,
3) to remember that salvation depends on the way we live our lives,
4) to obey parents and superiors,
5) to respect religion and the church,
6) to read good books and the Word of God, the scriptures.
- In The companion of Youth, don Bosco suggested a few things to be avoided! What are they?
They are the following:
1) to flee from idleness and bad companions,
2) to avoid bad conversations and scandal-mongering,
3) be aware of the devil’s efforts at ensnaring young people.
- What was the purpose of the Salesian Bulletin?
It was meant to spread the spirit of St Francis de Sales and to form the youth into apostles.
- How did don Bosco increase the subscription of the Catholic Readings?
Don Bosco asked his teachers to encourage all the pupils in our schools to subscribe to the Catholic Readings.
- Why did Don Bosco introduce reading books in the dormitory?
Don Bosco wanted inspiring books to be read in the dormitory to put inspiring thoughts into the minds of the
young as they prepared to go to sleep.
- In 1885 Don Bosco wrote a circular to the Salesians on spreading good books! Can you recall what he said?
Don Bosco said that a good book can enter a house where a priest cannot! Even bad people do not mind if they are given a book as a gift. During times of loneliness or sadness or boredom, anxiety… a person may pick up a book that has been gathering dust on a table!
- In his circular on spreading good books don Bosco spoke about the number of publications and books that he distributed over the previous 30 years! Do you remember the total number of publications?
20 million. Don Bosco added: “The spreading of wholesome literature is one of the principal purposes of our congregation”!
- Why did the early Salesians record whatever don Bosco said and did?
A group of Salesians, already from 1860, proposed “preventing anything belonging to Don Bosco being forgotten”. They wanted to hand down for posterity the charism and spirit of Don Bosco.
- Don Bosco gave a series of good nights on “how to get the best of study”! Can you list some of the guidelines of Don Bosco in this regard? Don Bosco suggested the following:
1) have the fear of God,
2) do not waste any minute of your time,
3) eat at the right time,
4) seek the company of diligent students,
5) do not neglect recreation,
6) do not get discouraged; instead pray to Our Lady, seat of wisdom and
7) do not waste time on unrelated material.
- What is the definition of vacation according to Don Bosco?
Vacation does not mean just relaxing. Instead it means to applying oneself to something different – a change of occupation. That is the meaning of the original Latin word, “vacare”.
- What did Don Bosco do when he went on holidays?
When going on a vacation, Don Bosco made shoes, stitched new clothes, made some furniture, read books and played some games!
- What is demonium meridianum?
Don Bosco did not agree with sleeping after lunch – the custom of taking a siesta. He called it the midday devil!
- How did don Bosco show his concern and preoccupation when the young were about to go home for holidays?
Besides the numerous pieces of advice given during “goodnights”, he told them to come and see him privately to receive a word from him.
- What did Don Bosco tell the young about “reading”?
Don Bosco said, “As long as there are still books left to read, I tell you to keep reading!”
- What means did Don Bosco suggest for the success of his educational system?
Don Bosco recommended direct and explicit reminders of the rules regularly.
- What did don Bosco ask for when someone wanted admission in the seminary at Mirabello?
Besides the various certificates, don Bosco wanted evidence of regular attendance at parish functions from those wanting to join the seminary.
- How did don Bosco provide for the moral education of those in the college?
Don Bosco did it by teaching the principles and maxims of the catholic religion.
- How did don Bosco ensure the formation of the clerics?
Don Bosco instructed the vice-rector to give them a conference on the New Testament once a week.
- For don Bosco what was the most beautiful ornaments of a young person?
These are - modesty, humility, obedience and charity.
- What sort of obedience did don Bosco demand from the young?
Don Bosco wished obedience to be prompt, respectful and cheerful.
- What did don Bosco say regarding work?
Don Bosco cited Apostle Paul, “Whoever does not work, let him not eat”! Don Bosco added, “Without work, one would become a disgrace to his town and family and bring irreparable damage to his soul”.
- What was don Bosco’s opinion about those who were a source of scandal?
Don Bosco called them “murderers of souls”.
- According to Don Bosco, what are the significant aspects of the spirituality of an educator?
The Christian educator should be willing to offer patient guidance. He should have burning charity, zeal, daily dedication, and be ready for continuous “assistance” of the young by being present among them.
- What are the two sacraments that are vital to Don Bosco’s spiritual pedagogy?
- frequent confession and communion.
- What is the advantage that one obtains from confession?
Confession promotes life in God’s grace and nurtures virtuous energies, enabling one to receive communion more
- Why did don Bosco introduce religious consecration for members of the Salesian Society?
It would be a constant reminder of the absolute primacy of God in one’s life.
- What was the purpose of the youth movements called the ‘sodalities’?
The Sodalities were excellent vehicles for spiritual formation of young people; they were also a nursery for
Salesian vocations.
- What was Don Bosco’s view of childhood?
For Don Bosco childhood is a favourable time for developing virtues. It is the ideal time for beginning a joyful journey to holiness.
- What were some of the more important topics of Don Bosco’s sermons?
Some of them are the following:
1) mortal sin,
2) death and judgement,
3) heaven and hell,
4) various devotions including the Eucharist and Marian devotion,
5) the 10 commandments.
- What are the 7 sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary?
Don Bosco propagated devotion to the seven sorrows. They are the following:
1) The prophecy of Simeon,
2) the flight into Egypt,
3) the meeting with Jesus on the way of Calvary,
4) the crucifixion of Jesus,
5) the taking down of the body of Jesus from the cross and placing him in her lap,
7) the burial.
- What do the various letters that Don Bosco wrote indicate?
They reveal how Don Bosco was a man of action, a tireless organizer, a good communicator, a creative religious founder, and an animator of many Catholic initiatives/projects.
- Don Bosco used to issue a ‘strenna’ towards the end of the year for the coming year! What is a strenna?
A ‘strenna’ – refers to the custom in some cultures of offering a New Year’s gift – and for Don Bosco, it was a maxim or saying or advice that would guide young people and salesians all through the year.
- Don Bosco listed 3 things as great treasures. What are they?
They are health, study and good morals.
- What did don Bosco suggest to those who wanted to be priests or embrace the ecclesiastical state?
He told them: 1) renounce comfort, worldly glory and earthly pleasures, and
2) be ready to commit yourself to God’s service forever.
- How did don Bosco foster the spiritual formation of the young?
Don Bosco promoted their spiritual formation through preaching, the goodnights, and his narrating of dreams
that he had.
- What is special about the dreams that don Bosco narrated during the goodnight talk?
They are an excellent example of his communicative style and pastoral concerns.
- Who are some of the Old Testament figures that Don Bosco recalled in order to motivate the young in the practice of the virtue of purity?
Don Bosco gave examples the following in particular:
Enoch, Noah, Joseph, Susannah, the Virgin of Nazareth and John the Apostle.
- Don Bosco narrated a dream in which a huge snake which symbolized the devil was killed with a special rope! What did the rope stand for?
The rope is the Rosary.
- Boys who ate the flesh of the snake were falling down dead! The interpreter in the dream suggested that they could be saved only with a hammer and an anvil! What did the hammer and anvil represent?
The hammer symbolized confession and the anvil was holy communion.
- When advising about the ecclesiastical state or consecrated life, what did don Bosco insist with the boys?
He told them not to join the Salesian congregation if they were not sure to have a vocation, the calling of God.
- What is the ‘fulcrum’ around which a religious community revolves?
Fraternal love.
- In a dream don Bosco saw an awful monster which threatened to devour the boys! Who was this monster and what were the means to overpower it?
The monster was the devil. The means to overcome it are faith, temperance and avoiding idleness.
- Don Bosco had a dream in which he saw a bouquet of flowers with a symbolic meaning! How did the interpreter of the dream explain the meaning?
roses represented charity;
violets - humility;
lilies - chastity;
sunflowers- obedience;
perennials - perseverance;
ivies - mortification;
stalks of wheat - Holy Communion;
gentians - penance.
- During a novena in preparation for the feast of the Immaculate Conception in 1877, Don Bosco proposed as memento two things! What were they?
- exactitude and cleanliness.
- Don Bosco had a dream of lambs which were being wounded during a storm! He was given an ointment to heal them! Can you interpret this dream?
The lambs are the boys who were going astray during the holidays. They could be helped to amend their ways through the sacrament of confession.
- What was the advice of Pope Pius IX to don Bosco regarding his apostolic activities?
The Pope told him that he should found a religious congregation with vows and a set of rules.
- When was the official foundation of the Society of St Francis de Sales?
Although don Bosco began his work among the young on 8th December 1841, the official starting of the congregation was on 18th December 1859.
- What did don Bosco write after the Rules of the society were definitively approved?
Don Bosco said that they should be known, meditated upon and faithfully observed.
- To whom did don Bosco compare those who left the world to join a religious congregation?
Don Bosco compared them to those who were saved by Noah’s ark during the flood.
- To whom does don Bosco compare those who do not follow their particular vocation?
Citing St Augustine, Don Bosco said that they may run well, but they go off track/course!
- What did don Bosco suggest to safeguard one’s vocation?
Don Bosco suggested three things: confidentiality, prayer and recollection!
- What is meant by confidentiality in order to safeguard a vocation?
Don Bosco said that a person should discuss only with his/ her spiritual director about the desire to embrace religious life or priesthood.
- What are the spiritual advantages of religious life?
Quoting St Bernard, don Bosco says the following:
1) he/she lives more purely
2) falls more rarely,
3) rises up more quickly,
4) walks more carefully,
5) obtains heavenly grace more often,
6) sleeps more securely,
7) dies with greater confidence,
8) purification in purgatory is shortened, and
9) is rewarded more plentifully.
- How should obedience be practised?
According to don Bosco obedience should be practised in imitation of Jesus who obeyed even unto death on the cross (Phil 2).
- According to don Bosco how should poverty be practised?
One should be content if s/he has food and clothing (1 Timothy 6)
- According to don Bosco what should be done to preserve chastity?
Quoting Apostle Paul, don Bosco said that one should pommel/mortify the body and subdue it (1 Cor 9).
- What advice did don Bosco give about fraternal charity?
Don Bosco quoted the scriptures saying, “A egoist defiles his own soul and is hated in his neighbourhood”. Don Bosco added furthermore, “…bear one another’s burdens” (Gal 6:2).
- In the context of religious life what did don Bosco say regarding practices of piety?
Don Bosco said, “Church history shows us that Religious orders and congregations flourished and promoted the good of religion as long as piety was maintained in vigour amongst them”.
- What are the practices of piety that Don Bosco insisted upon?
Don Bosco insisted upon the following: meditation, spiritual reading, visit to the Blessed Sacrament, weekly confession, frequent and devout Communion, Rosary, mortification on Fridays, retreats and monthly recollections.
- What is the “Rendiconto”?
It is a chat with the Rector/provincial during which a member of the community shares with him in all confidence whatever he wishes to say.
- What is the opinion of the biographers about the circular letters that Don Bosco wrote to the members of the Salesian family?
They are of the opinion that Don Bosco’s circular letters are miniature masterpieces of spirituality.
- According to Don Bosco, what is the most important purpose of the Salesian society and its members?
It is the sanctification of members themselves. The second is the salvation of the young.
- What did don Bosco expect from the Salesians?
Don Bosco wanted them to be prepared to wear themselves out in their ministry to the end of their lives.
- To promote fervour and enthusiasm among the Confreres, what did Don Bosco propose to the Rectors of the communities?
Don Bosco asked them to give 2 conferences every month. One on the Rules and the other on some relevant moral subject.
- Which is the dream that don Bosco had that presents the icon of the ideal Salesian?
The dream of the 10 diamonds.
- Don Bosco had a dream in which a bull with 7 horns came charging to destroy his boys. The interpreter of the dream told don Bosco to tell the boys to fall on the ground and stay face down! Can you state what happened when the bull came?
The boys who fell down as directed were lifted up in the air when the bull came!
Those did not obey the directive were killed by the devil.
- What does the bull represent in that dream? And what is the meaning of the 7 horns?
The bull symbolizes the devil. The 7 horns are the 7 capital sins. Lying on the ground indicates a humble disposition.
- Don Bosco was given further details in the dream of the bull about how 4 nails that can destroy a religious congregation? What do those 4 nails symbolize?
The 4 nails that can destroy a congregation are the following:
1) greed, 2) the search for an easy life, 3) complaining, 4) idleness.
- In the dream of the bull Don Bosco was shown a heap of weeds! What do they symbolize?
The weeds symbolize the unwillingness to be open, frank and confident with one’s superiors.
- Don Bosco had a dream in May 1879 – a dream in which Francis de Sales appeared to him! Don Bosco asked him about “what should be observed when accepting novices to religious profession”?
Don Bosco was told to exclude the lazy and the greedy.
- In the dream of the 10 diamonds (in September 1881) Don Bosco was told how the Salesian society ought to be. What were the virtues required so that the Salesian society remains as it ought to be?
Don Bosco was told that the Salesians must practise faith, hope, love, work and temperance.
In addition they should practise chastity, poverty and obedience.
There is also need for fasting. In difficulties they should keep in mind that there is a reward awaiting them.
- What was the opposite of “work”?
In the dream don Bosco was shown a danger! In place of work, there could be laziness, theft and idleness!
- Don Bosco said, “Do you want to do something good? Educate the young. Do you want to do something Holy? Educate the young. Do you want to do something very holy? Educate the young. Do you want to do something divine? Educate the young.” What does this indicate?
Don Bosco said this because he considered among all the works of mercy and divine works, the education and care of the young as the most meritorious and noble action.
- How did Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII show their admiration for the association of Salesian Cooperators?
These two Popes became Salesian cooperators.
- In a rather long conference to the cooperators in 1878, Don Bosco quoted two bible passages in order to motivate them to works of charity! Can you mention the text from the bible he used?
Don Bosco quoted about the befits of almsgiving from Tobit 12. He also quoted the parable of the “last judgement” from Mt 25 which speaks about the corporal works of mercy.
- Why did so many people become Salesian cooperators?
They were happy to see the efforts of Don Bosco to put the young on the path to virtue.
Furthermore, don Bosco credited generous persons for the works that the Salesians were undertaking in Europe and South America.
- Don Bosco quoted St Dionysius about caring for the salvation of others! Can you quote a saying of St Dionysius?
He said, “The most divine of divine things is to cooperate in the salvation of souls”
- Don Bosco spoke about the wedding at Cana and indicated several virtues of Our Blessed Mother from John’s Gospel chapter 2. Can you recall the virtues of Our Lady that don Bosco mentioned?
Our Lady excels in the following virtues: faith, trust in Jesus, love for God, obedience, modesty and prudence.
- Who are the saints from whom don Bosco drew inspiration for his apostolic charity and pastoral zeal?
Don Bosco drew inspiration in a special way from Saints Philip Neri, Charles Borromeo, Francis de Sales and Vincent de Paul.
- Don Bosco also learnt lessons for spiritual life and a passion for souls from a priest who was a much-appreciated spiritual director, zealous preacher, tireless and enlightened confessor, and apostle of charity at the prisons and with the poor! Who was this priest?
Don Joseph Cafasso (later canonized a saint)