Cardi-B Trashing Women through her popular 'song'
“The Pornification of Our Culture is corrupting the youth”

Cardi-B Trashing Women through her popular 'song'
“The Pornification of Our Culture is corrupting the youth”
Parents and educators pay attention to what your children are listening to!
That is the first lesson from the stratospheric success of the so-called “song,” WAP, recently released by so-called “artist” named Cardi-B.
A second lesson is that the reversal of moral truth in our culture seems to be nearly complete:
we now consider the grotesque as beautiful, the base as noble, the cowardly as brave, and enslavement as freedom.
There is not a single verse of the song that can be quoted here.
The title WAP is an acronym for a grotesque sexual phrase.
Each word of the lyrics describes in obscene and pornographic detail some sexual act.
Albeit in rapper-slang, nothing is left to the imagination.
Every word is designed for maximum shock value.
Glancing over the lyrics of the song,
and viewing the lurid video of Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion ‘performing’ it,
(though doing so cannot be recommended)
is granting it much more time than it deserves.
And yet, though it would be preferable simply to ignore it, it cannot be.
The song has dominated, and continues to dominate, the music charts.
In the first week after its release in early August 2020,
it amassed a record-breaking 93 million U.S. streams – beating the previous record of 85 million.
As of today, 16th September, the music video
which is as pornographic as its makers can legally get away with,
has been viewed over 250 million times on YouTube alone!
The song hit #1 on the charts in over a dozen countries within three weeks after its release.
Critics have welcomed Cardi-B’s new song as a sign of the success of women’s “empowerment.”
As one critic wrote, the song “promotes women articulating sexual agency, prowess, desires, demands and autonomy.”
Writing for Teen Vogue, on reviewer writes: “women everywhere rejoice in the glory and overt sexuality of the song.” The same critic dismisses the controversy that has greeted the song as evidence of “pearl-clutching” by people who are shocked at “a clear example of women talking about sex like men do.” Talk about missing the point!
What’s most shocking about the song is not that women are talking about sex the way men do,
and any man who talks about sex this way should hang his head in shame,
but the way it celebrates the objectification and enslavement of women as a form of liberation!
No lady features in the lyrics of the song – no person deserving of or requesting to be treated as person. Instead, there are members of a mammalian species, endowed with certain body parts necessary to engage in a certain mammalian act for the physical gratification of their sexual partners, in exchange for physical things the women want. That’s it!
Nowhere is there any mention of love, or romance, or commitment.
Nothing that raises human sexuality above that of orang-utangs.
Of course, children don’t even remotely enter the picture!
The sexuality described is stripped of the creative fecundity of animal sexuality.
As both ‘singers’ themselves suggest in the song’s final line,
this is nothing more than a form of prostitution.
Another critic expressed delight about how Cardi-B is “spearheading a new wave of female empowerment.” Isn’t female empowerment all about ensuring that women are treated equally as persons? Instead, this form of feminism attains equality by equally debasing men and women to the same brutish level. Cardi B should be ‘cancelled’, taken to task, not applauded! She was even granted a widely publicised and aired personal half-hour interview by presidential candidate,
Joe Biden, who considered that a voters-charming stunt!
Fortunately, a few, but not enough have reacted to Cardi B’s decadent act.
See clips on YouTube by Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens, Russel Brand, among others.
Parents and educators need to tackle this too!
The tragedy is that millions of young children are watching and listening to this filth.
In saner days, adults who exposed children to pornography would have been arrested and charged with child sex abuse. The dissemination of this song on public airwaves, streaming services, and YouTube, where many children have access to it, is sexual grooming, plain and simple.
Parents and educators alike have a duty to closely monitor what their children are listening to.
But also, to offer them the tools for critical reflection on what they are exposed to, and provide the antidote in healthy gospel values, by which to discover the meaning of their lives and the way to true happiness. Help them fill “their minds with everything that is true and noble, everything that we love and honour, and everything that can be thought virtuous and worthy of praise.” (Phil.4:8)
Pray for Cardi-B and her ilk!
- With acknowledgement to Fr Shenan J. Bouquet and his blog of 14th September 2020 – about 40% of this comment by SAFCAM is drawn from him.