Young person’s examination of conscience

And an Aid for going to confession

Young person’s examination of conscience

Young person’s examination of conscience

Am I lazy and waste time and talents?

Am I greedy and selfish?

Am I respectful towards everybody and do I respect their property?

Have I been deliberately naughty at home or at school?

Have I made an effort to pray each day, paying attention to God in my life?

Have I complained that I did not wish to attend mass because I had other plans on Sunday?

Have I admitted the truth when I did something wrong, or instead have I told lies to get out of trouble?

Have I made anyone unhappy, or even made somebody cry?

Do I use my cell phone or computer and social media responsibly?

Do I say rude or cheeky things to annoy or hurt other people?

Do I try to control myself, my temper and my sexual urges?

Do I take things for granted and fail to say thank you?

Do I let jealous feelings take over and lead me to do or say nasty things?

Do I try to live more simply and share what I have in excess?

Do I really try to pay attention when I am in church?

Do I treat with less respect those who are poorer or less educated than me, or those of a different culture, race or religion?

Do I pressurize my parents unfairly into providing me with the latest fashions, games and gadgets?

Do I try to quickly apologize and make up with my friends of family members when we have a quarrel?

Do I care about people; do I try to be kind and gentle? Or am I bossy and always want my own way?

Do I try to be obedient and follow the good example of my parents?

Do I try to give good example to my friends and stop them from doing wrong things?


And an Aid for going to confession:

Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been  _________________ since my last confession.

I ask God’s forgiveness for ….  (place X where applicable)

____ breaking my promises

____ misusing my gift of speech by vulgarity

____ neglecting to pray

____ bad attitudes towards people and mocking them

____ telling lies

____ receiving communion unworthily/disrespectfully

____ gossiping and back-biting

____ not going to church when I should have

____ wasting food, electricity, water…

____ not caring about the environment by littering…

____ being a nuisance and spoiling the joy of others

____ stealing – not respecting the property of others

____ being lazy and wasting opportunities to grow/learn

____ selfishness/possessiveness

____ being jealous of what others have

____ not appreciating all I already have

____ arrogance/boastfulness/showing off

____ wasting talents

____ rudeness and lack of consideration


For Children

____ not sharing my toys and games with others

____ fighting with my brother or sister

____ disobeying my parents/teachers

____ making my parents worry about me or even cry

____ being greedy


For Teens:

___ not respecting or for misusing the gift of sex

___ cheating in sports or schoolwork

___ bullying and intimidation

___ lack of discipline and self-control

___ being unfair (eg. skipping queues)


Adults and Married

____ giving bad example

____ lack of charity and sensitivity to those in need

____ buying/reading/watching pornographic materials

____ any type of substance abuse (alcohol, drugs,…)

____ being unfaithful to my marriage vows

I promise to try avoiding these sins in future.    Name: _____________________________