Novena in preparation for the feast of Mary Help of Christians
Ready to print and pray - pdf format - A5 pamphlet and the second pdf file is a more elaborate booklet of prayers including another format of the novena

Novena in preparation for the feast of Mary Help of Christians
May 15th: The Angel Brings Mary Great News
- Intention: that we may be open to God’s will
God sent the Archangel Gabriel to announce that the long-awaited Saviour of the world would finally come if Mary consented to become His Mother. She answered: “I am the handmaid of the Lord: let it be done to me according to your word.”
Every time we recite the Hail Mary we recall those words of the Angel at that historical moment. “Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with you.” God Himself turned to Mary for help in realizing His plan for the salvation of the world. That’s why she is given the highest honour of our race. It is no wonder that we can turn to her for help also. Through her intercession we can be certain that help is on the way!
Let us Pray: (composed by St John Bosco)
Most Holy Virgin Mary, Help of Christians,
how comforting it is to come before you
and implore your unending help.
If earthly mothers never cease to remember their children,
how can you, the most loving of all mothers, forget us?
Grant us then, we implore you, your perpetual help
in all our necessities, in every sorrow, and in all our temptations.
We ask for your unceasing help for all who are suffering.
Help the weak, cure the sick, convert sinners.
Grant, through your intercession, many vocations
to the religious life, to holy matrimony and to the priesthood.
Obtain for us, O Mary, Help of Christians,
that having invoked you on earth,
we may love and eternally thank you in heaven. Amen.
Mary Help of Christians - Pray for Us
St John Bosco – Pray for us
May 16th: Mary Visits Her Cousin Elizabeth
- Intention: for the promotion of a culture of life
Mary had just conceived Jesus in her womb “by the power of the Holy Spirit” when she felt the need to go to help her cousin Elizabeth who was six months pregnant. Life in the womb is to be revered.
Mary’s baby in her womb sanctified six-month old John in Elizabeth’s womb. Scripture refers to them both as “children”. A mother’s womb should be the safest space on earth. Unfortunately, that is not the reality. We pray for strength and courage to defend life in the womb.
Let us Pray: (Same as day one)
May 17th: Jesus is Born of Mary
– Intention: for an increase in our poverty of spirit
Almighty God, who created heaven and earth, became completely helpless as a newborn infant. The Master of the whole world was born in dire poverty. God’s Son lay on straw, in a dank, uncomfortable stable. “There was no room for Him” in the inn at Bethlehem. He became vulnerable from the start of his life on earth. Because the kingdom of God is not of this world, he came not to lead a comfortable life but one of loving sacrifice. He came to teach us to love and treasure people, not things, not power or privilege. Christ came to teach us how to love God and others and that true happiness cannot be found in collecting luxuries to clutter our lives. Mary shared Jesus’ humility. She will help us if we ask humbly for what we need: not earthly treasures - but things that will help us and our families to experience God’s peace. The help of Christ has become the help of Christians. (Prayer as on Day One…)
May 18th: Mary helps Jesus through his Growing Years
– Intention: for couples and parents
After the birth of Jesus and the flight into Egypt, the Holy Family returned to Nazareth, an obscure village in Galilee. Joseph and Mary were finally in their own house. Peace at last! But another heartbreak struck when Jesus, at the age of twelve, was lost for three days on their pilgrimage to the temple of Jerusalem. Can anyone imagine His parent’s grief, when they realized they had lost God’s Son? The world’s Saviour? Like us, Mary’s life had it’s share of sorrowful mysteries as well as joyful ones. She was continually pierced by a ‘sword’ as life unfolded.
Mary can help us get through the tough moments of life. She’s been there. She understands. God prepared Mary to be a helper to Christian parents who strive to live up to their difficult mandate to be “the first teachers, and the best teachers” to their children. (Let us pray…)
May 19th: Mary, the Model Disciple
- Intention: for all suffering illness and oppression
The moment Jesus left home to preach the Gospel, Mary considered herself no longer a teacher but a disciple. And she was the best disciple Jesus ever had. She kept all her Son’s words near and dear in her heart. It must have upset Mary that when Jesus preached the “Good News”, many enemies angrily opposed Him every step of the way. Others, even His closest disciples, had difficulty understanding how discipleship and the cross went together. At the hour of his greatest trial, they all took to flight; all except John. One betrayed Him, and Peter denied Him three times. The one who remained most faithful to the end was his mother, Mary. She was his biggest support right up to the cross. Nothing makes her happier than helping us become better disciples of Jesus. (Let us pray…)
May 20th: Mary, Mother of Sorrows
- Intention: for those persecuted because of their faith
Jesus must have talked about his eventual sacrifice with his mother. She knew the Scriptures, including the book of Isaiah. His description of the sufferings of the Servant of Yahweh did not escape her as referring to Himself. But like her Son, she had to wait for His hour to come, according to the Father’s will. Like Jesus, she must have suffered his passion a thousand times in anticipation.
Palm Sunday was quickly over and Jesus celebrated the Passover meal in the upper room. The Holy Spirit strengthened Mary’s soul to accompany him to the cross. She followed her Son to the Garden of Olives, watched Him in His agony and encouraged Him to complete His mission for the salvation of the world. Mary’s presence was a source of great strength to Jesus in His passion and death. She “roots” for us too as we go forward enduring our crosses in life. (Let us pray…)
May 21st: Mary is ‘Fertile Soil’
– Intention: for young people, especially the poor and most in need
Mary is a model of what it means to be instrumental in bringing Jesus into the world. She was “fertile soil” for the Word. She exemplifies the spirit of one who is listening to God. She personifies a profound desire to do His will, and an availability to be used for the Kingdom of God- especially in the service of our neighbours. We need to let ourselves be directed by her so that God who desires to guide our lives will find us rich soil to grow in. May we be like Mary. May God never find us closed off and distracted. Let us stay close to Mary. She is the door, the gate, the entryway that brings us to Jesus. Let us imitate her and ask her for help to be open to grace and free from sin. (Let us pray…)
May 22nd: He Is Risen! Alleluia! - Intention: for the Salesian Family
We Christians must be joyful people. Like Mary, we hopefully have much confidence in God’s guiding hand in our lives. With Mary, it is important to radiate the love of God out to the world. Joy is a sign of the authentic presence of God. Do we radiate joy? Can our whole life proclaim Mary’s Magnificat?
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour. For He has looked upon his servant in her lowliness: all ages shall call me blessed. God has done great things for me. Holy is His Name.” Joy is a sign to others that Jesus lives among us. Joy is a gift that is naturally shared. May our joy be contagious! (Let us pray…)
May 23rd: Feast of Mary Help of Christians
- Intention: For missionaries ad gentes
Mary is the Queen of Heaven. At the end of her earthly life, she was assumed body and soul into Heaven. There she has great intercessory power and is a wonderful helper for all those who are in need and desire the grace of her Son. Don Bosco used to repeat: “Nurture your devotion to Mary Help of Christians and you will see what miracles are!”
On Pentecost Day, Mary ‘opened the door’ for the apostles as they left the upper room after receiving the Holy Spirit. She is encouraging us to live and spread the gospel, to fight temptation and sin, and to be authentic disciples, offering to help us. As the Queen of Heaven, her requests will be granted by Almighty God. Help of All Christians, accompany us on our journey ‘home’. (Let us pray…)
May 24th: We rejoice and celebrate the Feast of Mary Help of Christians