Prayer for deliverance from the Coronavirus
Free us from the epidemic that is affecting our world, so that we can confidently resume our normal occupations.

Prayer for deliverance from the Coronavirus:
Almighty and eternal God,
from whom the whole universe receives energy,
existence and life,
we invoke your mercy upon your people caught
in the storm of a new viral epidemic.
We believe that you guide the course of human history
and that your love can change our destiny for the better.
We entrust the sick and their families to you,
that the Paschal mystery of your Son,
may offer salvation and relief to their body and spirit.
Help all members of society perform their tasks,
in a spirit of sacrifice and mutual solidarity.
Support doctors and health workers,
Educators, public officers and social workers
in the performance of their duties.
Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and of all the saints, preserve us from all evil.
Free us from the epidemic that is affecting our world,
so that we can confidently resume our normal occupations
and praise you and thank you with a heart renewed.
Trusting in your compassion, we address our plea to you,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.