LGBTQIA+ Storm: J.K.Rowling v the activists
The aberrant if not to say abhorrent ideology of transgenderism theorizes that sex is not real. Sex, it claims, is only about identity, not biology. If a man identifies as a woman, he is a real woman and must be accepted as such by law and culture. Anyone who refuses to do so is transphobic, bigoted and hateful. JK Rowling, world-renowned author of Harry Potter contests this opinion.

LGBTQIA+ Storm: J.K.Rowling v the activists
The aberrant if not to say abhorrent ideology of transgenderism theorizes that sex is not real. Sex, it claims, is only about identity, not biology. If a man identifies as a woman, he is a real woman and must be accepted as such by law and culture. Anyone who refuses to do so is transphobic, bigoted and hateful. JK Rowling, world-renowned author of Harry Potter contests this opinion.
J.K. Rowling, the author of the popular Harry Potter series, the multibillion-dollar franchise based on witchcraft, wizardry and magic, tweeted something about which I can agree – if transgender ideology is accepted as real, it will erase the reality of women, of men and of sexuality.
Rowling, like most of those who make their living in entertainment, considers herself to be a feminist and a progressive who is in tune with today’s liberal political elite. But she tweeted the following:
“If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased… Erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.”
When the inevitable screaming from the LGBT lobby exploded, Rowling was quick to add that she knows and loves “trans people” and would march with them if they were being discriminated against. But this does not change her underlying belief as a feminist, that declaring biological sex to not be real, is to declare that women do not exist.
I am not a fan of Rowling’s works, but she is right. If sex is based on chosen identity and not biology, then women do not exist as a unique half of humanity because sex is thus obliterated, and we are left with only subjective feelings to define reality.
The LGBT pack has already given women like J.K. Rowling a name to shame and embarrass them – they are called a “TERF” – “transgender exclusionary radical feminist.” Rowling has heard it before. She responded to the haters as follows:
“Feminazi, TERFs, *itches, witches… Times change! Women hate is eternal.”
This would all be an interesting storm to watch were it not for the treacherous agenda to impose transgender ideology into law and into culture. Extremist LGBT lobbies are planning to do just that, and have already won certain battles like the “Equality Act” in the USA, which enforces transgender ideology into law there. So that from now on no boy claiming to be a girl can be prevented from competing in the girls’ races in athletics nor be refused to use the Ladies’ toilets at school.
But sex is immutable. A person cannot change his or her sex. Besides, a person’s sex is a gift from God, something that uniquely contributes to the fullness and richness of human flourishing. Gender is not based on emotions or feelings. It is a biological reality. To simply state this or tweet it, in certain societies, will get me into trouble, accused of ‘hate-speech’, and even fined through a court of law. But to quote J.K. Rowling, “it is not hate to speak the truth.”
Freedom of opinion and speech is more and more under attack. Authorities in different countries are quick to label ‘hate-speech’, any public discourse that expresses any dissenting opinion towards gender ideology, same sex marriage, women’s choice to ‘terminate a pregnancy’, etc. This allows the politically correct forces and mass media to condemn and accuse anyone who thinks different. Even to assert that ALM (all lives matter) and not just BLM has become considered racist.
There are Evangelical pastors, Catholic cardinals and bishops, simple workers and professors hunted by police because of sermons and homilies, opinions, speeches and text messages about the traditional vision on sexuality, society, religious heritage, marriage and homosexuality. There are politicians, social leaders and media members pursued by police, arrested and fined because they caution about topics like immigration, militant Islam, or because they support pro-life and Christian marriage and natural family initiatives. Investigations and prosecutions attack those who dare dissent. Exemplary punishments are needed for everyone to be intimidated. Therefore, most of us, consciously or not, apply self-censorship to avoid trouble and rejection.
A few examples:
* The UN-LGBT watchdog, known as the “Czar”, recently accused religious leaders in his report of potentially being “hate promoters” against LGBT people.
* Several preachers have been refused entry into countries on the basis that they incite their audiences to persecute members of the LGBT population.
* Stories abound of sports celebrities who have been expelled from teams because they declared their belief that same-sex ‘marriage’ is wrong or homosexual activity is sinful. Isaac Folau, All Blacks Rugby squad star just tweeted his belief against homosexuality and that was enough to get him expelled and sued.
* Small businesses are no longer free to turn down requests for a quote on an order for a wedding cake or photographs for LGBT weddings, without getting taken to court.
As the transgender phenomenon continues to unfold, one of the questions frequently asked is whether the momentum of the trans-movement is just a fad which has an expiration date. Considering the staggering amount of territory trans activists have conquered in an incredibly short amount of time, can they be stopped? Even Obama was anti-same-sex marriages 10 years ago until he was pressurised into approving. Will the silent majority (which does not think that men can menstruate or get pregnant) push back, or will they ignore everything and go about their lives, until society has been effectively restructured and the trans-activists succeed in “breaking the binary” to the detriment of basic anthropological structures in humanity?
The trans-ideology is being imposed from the top-down, and the majority of ordinary people do not actually believe that gender is so fluid. The decision of high-profile Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling to send out a tweet in defence of Maya Forstater, the woman fired for simply expressing her view that men could not become women simply by identifying as women, was very significant due to Rowling’s impeccable ‘progressive credentials’ and her enormous popularity. “Dress however you please,” Rowling tweeted. “Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill.”
J.K. Rowling’s stance was significant because this was one of the first times that “cancel culture” attempted to take on a figure of her stature. Media hacks have been easy to bully, and politicians have been even easier. But J.K. Rowling is the billionaire creator of a fictional world beloved by millions. She’s worth more money than the Queen, and she doesn’t have to be pushed around if she doesn’t want to be. As it turned out, she wasn’t in the mood for the trans-movement’s tactics, and they tried everything: Social media mobs, threatening press releases, boycotts, and even a kind offer from GLAAD to re-educate her so she wouldn’t make such a dangerous mistake again. They even pulled their trump card and accused her of endangering the lives of young transgender people.
Nothing worked. The tweet is still there! The transgender blitzkrieg suddenly ran stuck as weapon after weapon failed. J.K. Rowling’s fans have not turned to hate her. Economic sanctions didn’t get implemented and wouldn’t work anyway. That tweet, as simple a thing as it might seem to be, is a testament to the fact that the power of the trans-mob can be broken. She didn’t engage in a debate about gender, which the trans-activists utilize to play an elaborate game of smoke and mirrors orchestrated by the magicians of the queer studies department, and other educational fields of study producing far stranger fiction than Rowling ever has. She didn’t add the proviso that she understood where the trans activists were coming from, or that she would love to meet with GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) just to explain that she is, actually, a person of good will. She just simply stated her point of view, and ignored the storm. Eventually, the mob had to disperse before it became too obvious that their rage was ineffective—and that they were losing.
Is there is enough fight left in Christian Civilization to push back against the transgender movement? I don’t know whether they will continue their conquest of our institutions almost unopposed, or whether ordinary people will get fed up and the backlash will come. But J.K. Rowling showed everybody that it could be done. She showed everybody something that we all know, but nobody seems brave enough to state: That the transgender movement only possesses the power we give them. If we all simply ignored their wild accusations and their attempts to cancel people for stating things out loud that virtually everybody believes, what would they do?
FD - With acknowledgement to 2 main Sources – LifeSiteNews (Anthony Murdoch) and the
International Organization for the Family blogs and websites of June 2020