Will the UN Human Rights Office Blacklist ‘LGBTQ+ Hate Groups?’
The Gender Agenda pushing for a non-binary multi-gender ideology

The push for a non-binary multi-gender ideology
Anyone who doubts the existence of an LGBTQ+ agenda need look no farther than the United Nations Human Rights office. Its plan is not hidden but open. There is no conspiratory theory as the promoters state their objectives clearly and forcefully.
And the Human Rights Office goes beyond merely favouring the LGBTQ+ cause. Its officials radically oppose all those who uphold the traditional family and its religious underpinnings.
It is mobilizing sympathizers to gather information on the moral opposition.
The United Nations ‘watchdog’ group C-Fam reports that the Human Rights office is calling for input mostly from LGBT groups and activists, to report on politicians, religious leaders and organizations that oppose their “rights.” The names may well be put on a blacklist by the UN office eventually and make them subject to sanctions and intimidation.
A source of great concern is the January call to action. The appeal for information asks for a complete account of any resistance to the LGBTQ+ agenda. It requests detailed information on “the main actors who argue that the defenders of human rights of LGBT individuals are furthering a so-called ‘gender ideology’?” The document further asks for examples of “public expressions or statements by political and/or religious leaders” who challenge LGBT “rights.”
The UN ideologues are also interested in the main arguments used against activists and their effectiveness. There is an appeal for details about the “narratives” that are “used to fuel violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and their particular impact on sexual and reproductive rights.”
The UN Human Rights office has no tolerance for the defenders of life and the traditional family.
It disputes the notion of “gender ideology” as a mere conspiracy theory. There is no desire to “dialogue” with those who disagree with the LGBTQ+ agenda. The UN officials have subscribed so completely to the agenda that no opinions to the contrary are allowed. Moreover, they have extended the gender agenda (even though they claim there is no such agenda) to include procured abortion, depravity, and all other measures that oppose a Christian notion of the family.
The aggressive campaign especially targets religion. It sees the protection of religious beliefs and consciences as mere subterfuges used by Christians to limit the sexual and reproductive “rights” of LGBTQ+ persons. Activists are asked to report on how these protections have been used against them. The gathered information will be part of a coming report about the protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It will be presented at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
The UN Human Rights office and similar groups have a distorted view of those who reject immoral activities. Such faith-based and principled opposition is not personal and does not direct hatred toward any individual. Nevertheless, some organizations, like the Southern Poverty Law Centre, have created lists of “hate groups” simply because these groups peacefully and legally oppose the LGBTQ+ agenda.
However, opposition to immoral sexual practices is based on a position that holds that the natural moral law - valid for all peoples in all places and eras - must be upheld if society is to grow better and prosper. Sodomy, procured abortion, incest, pornography, and other intrinsically evil behaviour harm society. However, Christian opposition to these sins will never adopt violent or illegal means. The LGBTQ+ promoters cannot prove any violence from those who defend Christian morality, but it gratuitously insists that all resistance is violent.
The January 2021 UN call to action is proof that the non-binary push is radicalizing globally. It mirrors the efforts of governments, organizations and political parties around the world that have created a new class struggle between those who uphold Christian morality and those who want it destroyed. There is no need to look for anti-Christian ‘conspiracies’. An open agenda exists, at the service of globalist ideologues, that targets the Catholic faith and Christian civilization.
- Blog by John Horvat II – 01/03/2021 (slightly edited by SAFCAM)