Formation session

From March 4th to 8th, 2024, donBosco-SAFCAM organized for the third time in the Region of Africa-Madagascar, a workshop on “Salesian Pastoral Accompaniment” at Don Bosco Youth Educational Services (DBYES) in Nairobi. The formation was given by three Salesians: Frs. Alex Mulongo, Philip Lazatin and Richard Ebejer. The eleven participants came from the following Salesian Provinces: AFE, AFC, ACC, ATE, ZMB, AFM and MDG. In the first two days some necessary information and knowledge were given by the animators: Reflection and Scriptural Foundation starting from the Emmaus event; Pastoral Theological reflection in the current situation with a general overview of Salesian Pastoral Accompaniment as a reflection on experiences; “Salesian” Approaches to Pastoral Accompaniment; Formation “in” Mission & Salesian Pastoral Accompaniment; Tools and Instruments - Verbatim, Incident Report, and processing; Relevance and Method; Useful tools in processing (listening, counselling techniques, Skills in Counselling; Emotions and Feelings.
The participants then were invited to prepare and to write individual Verbatims or Incident reports. And so, the last three days were practical exercises of Salesian Pastoral Accompaniment. It was a very good formation with an excellent sharing in the work groups. Participants, facilitators and SAFCAM Team expressed their appreciation for this important formation in the evaluation of the workshop. They mentioned the value of learning from experiences, touching real situations, getting new insights, being in touch with once emotions and feelings. The wealth of experience of the facilitators, the well involved commitment of the participants and the organisation by SAFCAM were really appreciated.