The message of Kibeho

The Virgin Mary appeared Rwanda in 1981 while there was peace in this small African country. She eagerly wanted to warn people against the dangers that would besiege Rwanda and the whole world because of their life far from God. About ten years later in 1994, the country underwent a civil war that turned into genocide and horrible massacres. Today, even more than before, the message of Kibeho remains valid for everybody.
The message of Kibeho
- An urgent call to the repentance and to the conversion of hearts: “Repent! Repent! Repent!” “Be converted when it is still time”.
- A diagnosis of the morality of the world: “The world is at its worst”. “The world is running at its loss, it is going to fall into an abyss, that means to be plunged into innumerable and unceasing misfortunes”.
- The Virgin’s deep sadness: The visionaries reported that they have seen her weeping on 15th August 1982. The Mother of the Word was strongly afflicted because of the incredulity and the lack of penance among the people.
- “Faith and unbelief will come unexpectedly”: One of the mysterious sayings that the Virgin told Alphonsine in the beginning of the apparitions, with a demand to repeat them to the people.
- Saving suffering: Suffering is a binding path for a Christian to reach the heavenly glory. The Virgin told Nathalie on 15th May 1982: “No one can reach heaven without suffering”. “The child of Mary cannot be separated from the suffering”. But the suffering is also a way to expiate for the sins of the world and to participate in Jesus’ and Mary’s sorrows for the salvation of the world.
- “Pray constantly and without hypocrisy”: People do not pray; and even among those who pray, majority don’t do it properly. The Virgin asks us to put more goodwill into prayer, and to pray without hypocrisy.
- Devotion to the Virgin Mary should be fruitful particularly by a regular and sincere recitation of the rosary.
- The Rosary of the Virgin Mary Sorrows: The Virgin likes this rosary. People prayed it, but later it was forgotten. Our Lady of Kibeho wishes it to be reintroduced and spread in the Church. But the Rosary of the Sorrows doesn’t replace the Holy Rosary.
- The Virgin asks to build a chapel in order to remember her apparitions in Kibeho.
- “Pray constantly for the Church, because great tribulations will affect her in the coming days”. The Virgin said it to Alphonsine, on 15th August and 28th November 1983.
(Cf. Flyer of the Marian Sanctuary Our Lady of Kibeho)