SAFCAM Communique #35 English

SAFCAM Communique #35 16/01/2021
Dear Subscribers
The first half of January is already over and hopefully the year 2021 has begun well – at least better than for Donald Trump or Bobby Wine.
The Gospel of the second Sunday in ordinary time inspires us as we hear this signal from John the Baptist:
"There is the Lamb of God" (Jn 1,36).
To see and discover who Jesus is, the best graduate course possible is to actually stay with Him. Human beings get to know each other best by simply being together, sharing thoughts and opinions, listening to each other and watching each other. It is the same with getting to know Jesus. Spending time with Jesus is a source of wisdom and insight. What a joy it is to be with Jesus through moments of prayer during daily life! This is how a great relationship of friendship with Jesus can be born and grow. He progressively becomes my Tutor and my Friend. Through daily interaction with Him, our friendship grows into a deep bond of affection. In this way, I become a beloved disciple of the Lord like Saint John (cf. Jn, 13,23).
Salesian Family Spirituality Days
Despite much publicity, not as many as could are making use of the online presentations of the Salesian Family Spirituality Days which began yesterday, and which we also advertised in last week’s communique. However, the hosts pointed out that for the English ‘Regional” sessions, over 60% of participants registered are from Africa, and that is despite us having more challenges than most of the rest of the English speaking world in respect of internet connections.
We have been reminded also that this year 2021 is the Year of Don Paolo Albera (for the Salesian Family) in honour of it being the centenary of his death. A chance to deepen our knowledge of the second successor of Don Bosco and those ‘teenage’ years of the maturing of our charism and congregation. Look out for some new publications in print and digital formats.
This month of January is filled with several Salesian feasts, as we remember and celebrate those who have achieved holiness through very trying circumstances; like Bl Titus Zeman, Bl Louis Variara, Bl Laura Vicuña, St Francis de Sales, Bl Bronislaw Markiewicz and of course our founder Don Bosco.
See especially the posting about Laura Vicuña on .
Find on our website also, among several other new postings, the recording of the second session of the Rectors’ workshop. A total of 30 anglophone and 43 francophone rectors have enrolled.
If you have 10 minutes, check this clip by David L Gray complaining that the Catholic church has become the “church of average”, leading to mediocrity rather than sanctity. He does not present a popular message, nor even a “religiously correct” view, but it is worth watching as it provokes food for thought and plenty of discussion material!
Concluding thought
“The family that prays together – stays together” has been a popular saying.
The Salesian Community that eats, works, prays and plays together – stays and grows together!
This needs to be not just a popular statement among us, but something we promote and practice.
God bless
Camiel and François
PS. There is a lot of talk about vaccines and much controversy about them. Despite all the efforts at promoting them by showing and reporting high profile people getting vaccinated, many are reluctant to accept … I myself tend to think that in Africa we have been exposed from birth to so many infections and developed the necessary immunities, that we are naturally vaccinated already. However I volunteered for the Russian vaccine trials for Covid-19. I finally received my first shot and wanted to let you all know that it is completely safe with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι χoρoshό я чувствую себя немного странно и я думаю, что вытащил ослиные уши.