SAFCAM Communique #60 - English

SAFCAM Communique #60 17/07/2021 (Photo-Bishop Miguel-Angel Ngema & Fr Camiel)
Dear Subscribers
Did you miss receiving the weekly Safcam communique last Saturday? Maybe you did not even notice! Camiel and myself were both completing our missions in ATE and AET respectively, so it was difficult to produce one. We both returned to DBYES-Nairobi this week, although Camiel will leave again this afternoon for Rome to present his visitation report to the RM and general council. As for myself I have enjoyed assisting with a ‘Rite of Passage’ 6-day program for teenagers, directed by Fr Selvam, finishing tomorrow.
Comment on current events: (and causes to add to our prayer intentions)
Suffering in Ethiopia: The media are giving the situation in Tigray much less attention than it deserves. The AU and UN have taken no serious resolution to mediate solutions. The worst aspect is the victimization of innocent citizens, not only caught in the crossfires, but deliberately executed in reprisals for allegedly assisting the ‘rebels’. Our four SDB (and one FMA) communities are in perilous situations. Please keep them in prayer.
Pope Francis: At 84 he made it through serious surgery and already several pastoral trips to countries are in his diary. May God grant him the energy to pursue his mission as captain of ‘Peter’s bark’ through the storms we are traversing.
Migration: Many more lives have been tragically lost at sea in the past days. The lure of greener pastures tempts young ambitious Africans to leave their homelands and risk everything. When will we ever be able to understand that this continent also offers so much promise and prevent some of our best ‘human capital’ from being ‘stolen’. For that obviously good governance needs to ensure fair opportunities.
Vaccines: Several governments are planning the imposition of proofs of vaccination, not only for entry into their country but within their own borders, for entry into public facilities like restaurants, cinemas, museums,… Will they even insist on a vaccine-passport to attend church services? In apartheid South Africa the most-hated racist ‘pass-book’ was eventually eliminated after widespread protests. Will the same happen to this discriminatory measure?
The Tokyo Olympics: The postponed games will finally begin this week. May the best and most deserving competitors succeed and may no cheating spirit or covid-infections mar the outcomes.
Anarchy in South Africa: It would be disastrous to 'pardon' Zuma. He knowingly broke the laws that he swore to uphold - on an industrial scale. The message that would go out is that impunity is the order of the day.
Looters of state coffers are no different to looters of private enterprises. Factories have been looted and burnt down with thousands of jobs lost. If Zuma had any leadership he would call out to people to tell them to stop doing this in his name - if indeed they are. When a demagogue falls, the people whom he had gathered and manipulated become disorientated and lost. Can it be surprising that their followers are led astray? But more seriously, after decades of corruption with impunity by politicians, a portion of citizens have lost all sense of morality. The much-acclaimed spirit of Ubuntu has died. Respect for life and property has disintegrated. Pray for rebirth.
Floods in Germany and Belgium: Although we are used to weekly reports of natural disasters, it is rare that so many lives are lost in a single calamity attributed to ‘climate-change’ in Europe. May this serve to caution us to continue to care more prudently for our environment and how we design our villages, towns and cities in evermore eco-friendly fashion.
RESPECT - SOMEONE FINALLY put into words what so many have been thinking and feeling.
I'm sick ...of Covid-19
I'm sick... of Black versus White.
I'm sick... of Liberals versus Conservatives.
I'm sick ... of gay versus straight.
I'm REALLY sick... of the media.
I'm sick... of the language being used and plastered all over the media.
I'm sick... of no one being allowed to think what they want and feel what they do without offending someone. I'm sick... of those who jump on the bandwagon to protest and cause mass confusion and more hatred and who riot, loot, and destroy. I'm sick... of blaming the whole world for the sins of a few.
I'm sick... of people who blame 500-years of history on current generations... It's history, get over it!
We're one race—the human race. We All Matter!
You want to support a certain party or politician? Fine. You do it! It's your choice.
You want to get vaccinated against Covid-19. OK. Do so.
You want to believe in God? Great! That's okay to believe in God.
You want to believe in angels that fly around and sprinkle fairy dust to make life better?
Awesome... just do it! But don’t force me to do so too!
How about being mature enough to deal with the fact that everyone doesn't have the exact same opinion as you. Having our own minds is what makes us all individuals and beautiful.
If you can't handle that fact... I'm sorry! But at least be a decent human being.
Love one another, be kind, be humble. Be thankful, help a stranger and do a good deed.
Respect everyone’s freedom.
You don’t even have to agree with any of this. That’s OK, it’s your choice.
But take care stay well, and for goodness sake ... find a way to love others and stay happy. - the latest Cagliero minute on YouTube on the theme of friendship. - Missionaries of chastity! (18minutes) - Teens and young adults keep getting the wrong message about sex and love from modern society, and it’s leaving them confused and hurt. Many don’t know the full story of God’s amazing plan for human love. Jason Evert’s 49th episode of his ‘Chastity Project’ posted on YouTube shares examples of antidotes.
When you next visit YouTube, search out the following names who offer so wonderful clips:
Jim Caviezel, Kimi Katiti, Frank Caprio, Michael Knowles, Dr Michelle Cretella – we leave you to discover their wisdom rather than provide you with just one link to a particular theme…
God bless, and don’t forget to have a look at the latest postings on the website!
Camiel and François