SAFCAM Communique #46 English

SAFCAM Communique #46 03/04/2021
Dear Subscribers
This past "Holy Week", we once again experienced all the intensity of several celebrations which constitute the peak of the liturgical year! To each and every one of you, with all my heart a "Happy Easter"!
“It's true! The Lord is risen …” (Lk 24,34). And it is this paschal joy which - since the days it happened - "moved" the Apostles and all the followers of Jesus. The Resurrection of Jesus is the core of our faith!
We believe He is truly the Son of God; that He is alive and that He operates in the Church. Christ the Lord gives meaning to our Christian life, to our consecrated life, to our religious life, to our Salesian life.
Ruby Jubilee of Ordination – Alleluia and congratulations
On April 4th, the day on which we celebrate the solemnity of Easter this year, it is also the anniversary of my priestly ordination (Camiel). It was April 4th 1981 - 40 years ago! I was ordained a priest by Bishop Godfried Danneels, at the time Bishop of Antwerp, and who later became Cardinal Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. He died on March 14, 2019.
I thank the Lord for all the graces received during these past years. To be a priest is to be a friend of Christ: "It is not you who have chosen Me, but I who have chosen you!" (cf. Jn 15,16).
I admit that I still have to grow in this friendship with the Lord Jesus, because like Peter, I sometimes deny my Master. Often, I say to Him: “Lord Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, poor sinner! Fortunately, He keeps repeating to me: "My grace is sufficient for you; my power gives its full measure in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9). Yes, all is grace! The Lord said to me: "Camiel, you are Mine, you belong to me!"
And I simply answered: "Lord, I am Yours, I belong to You! Yes, you must increase, and I must decrease. You are my God. I have no other joy than in You! (Ps 15). What a beautiful love story with You, Lord! Today, I ask you to keep me faithful, you who are always faithful. I reaffirm my YES, totally and forever, to serve you, to be at the service of your people, to commit myself generously to young people, to my confreres, to the Salesian family. Lord, grant me the grace to be a good priest like Don Bosco! Mary Help of Christians, come to my aid! Saint Joseph, protect me!” (Camiel)
Sing Alleluia!
Jesus died 2000 years ago or so.
But nobody ever refers to him as “the late Jesus” not even unbelievers.
Nowhere in history, nowhere, has he EVER been referred to in the past tense!
Why? Because… He is ALIVE! Alleluia!
The Via Lucis: The supreme Eastertide devotion
Just as we prayed the Via Crucis weekly during Lent, let us pray the Via Lucis in community and with the young people and faithful during the coming 50 days! You can find various formats of this devotion (which is of Salesian inspiration!) by simply searching “The Way of Light” on Google, but an easy-to-use version can be downloaded in English or French on
Stay connected!
When GOD wanted to create fish, HE spoke to the sea.
When GOD wanted to create trees, HE spoke to the earth.
But when GOD wanted to create humans, HE turned to Himself.
Then GOD said: "Let us make humans in our image and in our likeness".
If you take a fish out of water, it will die. and when you remove a tree from soil, it will die.
Likewise, when humans are disconnected from GOD, they die.
GOD is our natural environment. We were created to live in His presence.
We have to be connected to Him because it is only in Him that life exists.
So, let’s remain connected to GOD even more than to internet.
Remember: water without fish is still water but a fish without water is nothing.
Soil without a tree is still soil but the tree without soil is nothing.
GOD without humans is still GOD, but humans without GOD are nothing. - A triduum pilgrimage with views of the Holy Places where it all happened.
Christus Vivit! Alleluia!
Camiel and François