SAFCAM Communique #45 - English

SAFCAM Communique #45 27/03/2021
Dear Subscribers
Coming up – the holiest week of our liturgical year! Just a few reflections for the week:
When Jesus came to Golgotha, they hanged him on a tree.
They drove great nails into his hands and made a Calvary.
They crowned him with a crown of thorns, his wounds were red and deep.
For those were crude and cruel days and human flesh was cheap.
When Jesus came to Joburg/Lagos/Nairobi, they simply passed him by.
They didn't hurt a hair of his, they just let him die.
For people had grown more squeamish and were afraid of blood;
So they just passed on down the streets and left him in the rain.
And still Jesus cries: "Forgive them for they know not what they do."
And still it rains, a cold rain of indifference which drenches through and through.
The crowds go home and leave the streets without a soul to see,
And Jesus crouches against a wall and cries for Calvary!
The two basins:
In the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life there feature two basins. One which Pilate used to wash his hands, and the other used by Jesus to wash his disciples’ feet. Pilate found himself in a difficult situation and wanted nothing further to do with it. He washed his hands. Jesus arrived at the venue for the last supper to find that the table was set, the food and wine was ready, but they had forgotten to arrange for a servant to wash their feet. No doubt the disciples muttered among themselves as to who would do the job so that they would all eat the Passover meal with clean feet in order to observe the regulations regarding this.
“Well it’s not my task! Don’t expect me to act as your slave!” etc…
Jesus does not mutter. Noticing their embarrassment, he takes responsibility for the situation, and sets an example for all forever. He washes their feet….
Well, how often do we find ourselves using the basin of Jesus?
And how often do we find ourselves using the basin of Pilate instead?
From Vatican News:
In 10 episodes, one each month, find a video with the Pope's reflections and first-hand testimonies of families from across the world on the theme of the family. The initiative is a joint collaboration between the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life and Vatican News, and aims to 're-read' the Apostolic Exhortation, with the aid of downloadable material prepared for personal and community reflection. Because, as Pope Francis reminds us: being a family is always "primarily an opportunity". - Amoris laetitia - the family is the space where we walk together (3minutes)
Advance notice:
From the 20th April to 12th May, SAFCAM will offer four (x1hour) sessions online on the subject of sexual and affective education in English and in French. The sessions will consist of some input but also of shared understandings. Before each session, participants will receive a worksheet and some reflection materials to prepare in advance. This will help exchanges to be all the more fruitful. And after each session some further resources for use with young people will be emailed. The sessions in English will take place every Tuesday, and those in French will be held every Wednesday. More information will be distributed after Easter.
Wishing you a blessed Holy Week - Camiel and François