The "Birth Certificate" of our congregation
Drafted by Michael Rua on the 26 January 1854

The “Birth Certificate” of the Salesian congregation
Just a 10 cm x 5 cm note, handwritten by Michael Rua at 16 years of age.
This original is kept now kept exactly where that meeting and promise took place.
When you think about what he wrote, you realize what a treasure this note is:
The moment of conception of our SALESIAN Society.
(Translation below)
“On the evening of January 26, 1854 we gathered in Don Bosco's room; with Don Bosco himself, Rocchietti, Artiglia, Cagliero and Rua. A practical exercise of charity towards one's neighbour, with the help of the Lord and of St. Francis de Sales, was proposed to us; and later to take a promise, if it seems possible and convenient, to make a vow to the Lord. From that evening the name Salesian was placed on those ready to do the same”.