Playground as HOLY-Ground-Place to pray
Lord, all of creation is your wonderful playground, and every one of us is your beloved playful child. Lord you invite us to play in your planetary stadium in friendly recreation with you.

The playground is like a chapel!
Lord, all of creation is your wonderful playground,
and every one of us is your beloved playful child.
Lord you invite us to play in your planetary stadium
in friendly recreation with you.
You yourself play in the midst of your creation
with the seriousness and enthusiasm of a child!
Our planet earth looks just like a ball,
which you have set on the centre spot of the sports grounds.
Our playgrounds need to be built with care,
just as the cathedrals of old were constructed to your glory,
inducing the awe and the admiration of all.
May our playgrounds be holy grounds,
where you Lord can be experienced
in the fellowship and healthy competitive spirit,
as all seek to score Golden Goal of life, the Ultimate Goal of heaven.
Lord, help us to always be “on the ball!”
and may your Church, your people, your family,
Always strive to play the game according to Your game plan!
Inspire the beautiful “liturgy” of each game,
and may those who congregate in the pew-like stands,
remember that true worship is to You the Almighty,
rather than to the priest-like players, or prophet-like coaches.
May we all realise that it’s not winning but playing the game fairly that counts.
May all the players in the game of life be fired up by your Holy Spirit
into a fervent team spirit which encompasses all humanity.
The church extends onto the street and the sports-field!
and like any cathedral, a noisy recreation and a fun-filled game
can also be a fitting meeting place with you Lord.
Lord as we gather to enjoy the game,
facilitate the breaking of barriers, and the building of bridges!