SAFCAM Communique #28
28 November 2020

SAFCAM Communique #28 28/11/2020 (En français ci-dessous)
Dear Subscribers
We reach the end of another liturgical year. May the next be easier than this past one!
Anniversary of the Kibeho apparitions
Our Lady's apparitions in Kibeho, Rwanda, began on November 28, 1981, and ended on November 28, 1989. Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, one of the three visionaries of Kibeho recalls:
"Our Lady taught me to pray the Rosary Crown of the 7 Sorrows because she said that a tragedy was brewing in Rwanda. Our Lady asked us to change our lifestyle, to love the sacraments, to do penance, to pray without ceasing…”
That is consistent with the pattern to the messages in all Marian apparitions. May we take to heart these messages rather than question the authenticity of the visionaries’ visions!
There are a number of additional articles on our site this week.
We draw your attention to one sad story which has been on (the English section) for 6 months now and has attracted 185 visits. It is the story of a Kenyan ‘Maria Goretti’, Valerian Njeri. She was stabbed to death at 16 by a 17-year-old boy from her neighbourhood as she resisted his sexual advances. That was exactly a year ago today. Interestingly, this date is the feast of St Valerian, her patron. It is worth reading the story again and using it for a sermon or goodnight, as the world’s 16-day campaign against violence perpetrated on women and children reminds us again of this tragic scourge across all modern societies.
There is also a useful article on the issue of abortion (isn’t that the ultimate abuse of minors!), which provides the fundamental argument against the legalising of the termination of pregnancy, based not on scriptural or theological arguments, but on natural human rights. According to the logic of abortion-advocates, “unborn women do not have a right to life, but they do have a right to an abortion!” This is an obvious absurdity!
Other postings on the site offer some info about the World Youth Days, and in view of Don Philip Rinaldi’s feast, some reflections on his messages to VDBs and the Salesian Family.
Recommended websites: (English) – it is filled with useful treasures for religious education – especially for guidance in parenting children and teens who are active on internet, but also for any educator who wishes to review a movie, website, YouTube clip, etc. before recommending it or showing it to his or her charges.
Comments on current affairs:
- Diego Maradona! He sure was a talented footballer, but does he deserve the adulation and frenzy which the world is granting him, calling him a messiah, a saint, affording him divine veneration? Three days of National mourning in Argentina, the renaming of stadiums after him? What kind of role model is he really for young people? His addictions, infidelities to his wife and the fathering of an unconfirmed number of children with different women, his whole dissolute lifestyle would call for more restraint in extolling his contribution to human progress!
- Donald Trump! still holds a trump card which threatens to overturn the Biden-Harris acclaimed victory! The mainstream media continue to insist that his claim, that there was considerable voting and counting irregularities which led to a fake Biden win, is ‘unsubstantiated’, is beginning to unravel, and so many instances of fraud are beginning to be verified that it would not be surprising if the courts declare a need for re-run elections in certain states! If this situation is possible in the USA of all democracies, what hope is there that we ourselves succeed in free and fair elections in our countries!
Free online leadership course: (English only)
Also, if you have some time to spare in 2021, join me (Francois) in registering for the FREE Values-centred Leadership course offered online by dePaul University. It is ideal for Rectors or rectors to be, as well as anyone in positions of leadership or responsibility:
Level I Upcoming Sessions:
January 11 - March 21, 2021. Apply by January 4, 2021
April 5 - June 13, 2021. Apply by March 19, 2021
This Values-Centred Leadership Certificate is a 10-week course in leadership development. Participating in a supportive online learning community, you will explore universal values, principles and practices to help ground and improve your leadership skills. Those who successfully engage in all elements of the course will receive a certificate of participation. For more info, click on the link above.
Let us not forget also the terrible suffering of innocent victims of the war in Tigray, in our prayers, including our confreres there of whom we have no news updates due to communication blackouts.
Wishing you a happy new (liturgical) year
Camiel and Francois