SAFCAM Communique #34 English

SAFCAM Communique #34 08/01/2021
Dear Subscribers
With the feast of the baptism of the Lord, we close the Christmas season. Each of the Gospels recounting this event plunges us into the Trinitarian dimension of God: Jesus is there standing in the Jordan. The Spirit descends upon him and the Father speaks to his Son saying: “You are my beloved Son. In you I have put all my trust". In the Gospel according to St. Mark, the sky is "torn apart". Over 2000 years ago, God himself brought about this extraordinary opening between Himself and humanity. The sky was torn apart! God entered into communication with the world in a very special and unique way. Moreover, his people had lived in expectation of this: "Ah! if only you would tear the heavens apart and come down!”, sighed Isaiah (63,19).
Well, God himself made a commitment: He came and dwelt among us in his Son. Jesus is the one who comes to make a "tear" in humanity so often locked up, in our too often closed universe. Humanity now has a "gap" in the person of Christ, through which to communicate with the divine world. Jesus came to be a "link" between God and men.
Perhaps we can say that in this year 2021, the sky is tearing itself apart again and that God is renewing his covenant with us again because he loves us so much. Offering us his Son, he repeats during this year of grace to each and every one of us: "You are my beloved son, you are my beloved daughter".
Online Formation sessions for rectors
We are happy that over 80 have registered – 59 participated in the 2 sessions – 1 in French and 1 in English this past week. Unfortunately, some had problems connecting due to internet problems. The 90-minute sessions are recorded and available on the website for one week and replaced with the succeeding ones. This is mainly for the sake of those who missed it, but also for anyone else interested.
Global Current Affairs
It is a relief that the 2-month long US presidential uncertainty is over, but discontent will simmer among the 48% of the population who believe the election was rigged. There is some fear that US citizens might soon regret the outcome. As for the rest of us, we can especially fear the increased political correctness, wokeness, cancel culture which is going to be imposed across the world through the “Biden administration”. The ideological colonization of Africa is going to surge. It is sad that with a 2-party situation almost evenly matched, there are no alternative parties to create a middle ground, and each side demonizes the other. The MSM (mainstream-media) takes every opportunity to present Trump as global enemy Number One, when there are soooooo many other MAJOR global evils which are overlooked. Trump news have provided a smokescreen to the urgent problems humanity needs to face.
Abortion is not the only issue among the long list of social justice matters that need our attention BUT it is an important one which tends to be overlooked by the MSM, unless it is to promote it as a necessary service! Until the 20th century, abortion was universally condemned as an EVIL. Then during the first half of last century it began to be overlooked and ignored. During the second half of that century many countries began to decriminalize and legalize abortion. From the start of the 21st century, international meetings began to promote the idea of declaring abortion a human right, thus a GOOD! And any news of a country legalizing abortion began to be celebrated! The next step which is coming rapidly is to persecute or “cancel” any person, community, or country which will not declare abortion to be a good. The days are coming when if you tweet your conviction that abortion is still EVIL, you will be accused of hate speech, as a fascist who denies a woman’s right to choose, and risk severe penalties. Be warned! The progression from overlooking evil to considering an evil to be a good is happening more and more on many issues.
And by the way, Argentina’s new abortion law which we referred to last week, is a new type or style of abortion law, as recommended by UN agents in its drafting. Advocated by the global abortion industry, it elevates abortion as a human right that trumps all other rights, and at the same time enshrines gender ideology into law. Argentina’s new law doesn’t just decriminalize abortion. It declares abortion-on-demand in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy an international human right. It refers to “gestating persons” instead of pregnant women. Girls as young as 13 will be able to get an abortion without parental consent under this law. Under the new law, doctors and nurses will not be able to object to performing abortions when an abortion “is necessary to save the life of a woman.” They will furthermore be forbidden from attempting to dissuade women from having an abortion and will be forced to refer for abortions at all times. And there is more… but enough to get us worried, especially since the next targets are countries of Africa. Please look up the posting on regarding 2020 death statistics by Worldometer to understand the extent of this issue.
Next weekend – Salesian Family Days
The Salesian Family Days of Spirituality-2021 will take place on 15-17 January, with an Online program available to anyone and everyone. The purpose of these annual Days is to revive Salesian spirituality in some of its fundamental dimensions, together with the 32 Groups of the Salesian Family. These days help us to experience and promote the Salesian spirit that unites us.
The online program will consist of two moments daily: one universal and one Regional.
The universal will be online from 13:00 - 15:30 (Italian time) with the following scheduled events:
- 15th January: Prayer, presentation of the Days, presentation of Strenna by RM, talk by Mons. Dario Olivero, Bishop of Pinerolo.
- 16th January: Presentation of and by the Groups of the Salesian Family
- 17th January: (12:30 Rome time) Mass presided by the Rector Major and concluding session.
To follow the above LIVE, NO NEED to register. Simply access FACEBOOK AGENZIA ANS at the times indicated above.
The Regional Programs will be organised Regionally and info communicated soon.
The Coordinators will present the following video materials which have been prepared:
- A virtual visit of the renewed Museum of Don Bosco in Valdocco
- Testimonies and experiences of the Salesian Family
- Voices of the Youth by Youth of the SYM
- Persecuted Church in Pakistan
- Mazzarello and Anuarite by Salesian Sisters – Congo
- Archbishop Cognata by Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart
- The world through the eyes of Father Paolo Albera.
To participate in the English language programme for Africa, each interested person must register at this e-mail address: and we await further details for this part of the program from Fr Krzysztof Rychcik (, Domenico Nam ( Joan Lluís Playà ( who will coordinate the event, together with other members of the SF.
God blessTop of Form
Camiel and François