SAFCAM Communique #31

SAFCAM Communique #31 18/12/2020
Dear Subscribers
Happy countdown to Christmas day.
Following on comments regarding Christmas nativity art in our 2 previous communiques…
The Vatican annual life-size nativity scene placed on St Peter’s square for Xmas-2020 is as strange as the year-2020 has been! It has caused a bit of a stir in the media. Our lead picture gives you an idea, but it is worth taking a look at more detailed photos which are available on internet – just search ‘Vatican Nativity 2020’. Some have called it “unbearably ugly, farcical, hideous products of modernism, bizarre, unsuitable, abstract, … which cannot possibly be described as devotional art…” One of the figures visiting the crib is an astronaut; others are unrecognizable. There is an angel represented as a tower-like object with meaningless rings round it. What do you think of it?
One virus is causing us to forget many others!
There are two other ‘viruses’ which are at least as harmful as Covid-19 or HIV or Ebola, if not more, because they kill the spirit, the soul, are spreading even quicker than those dreaded physical infections. These two viruses are materialism and individualism. At least 95% of the world’s population is infected by them. Unless a radical antidote is found soon, our society is headed for a catastrophe! The triple-therapy proposed against them are heavy doses of Faith, Hope and Love! These are impossible to find on our shop-shelves unfortunately, and cannot be imported at any price. They have to be carefully cultivated in the garden of the heart from the seeds found in the Gospel.
‘See ye who have eyes to see. Hear ye who have ears to hear. Act ye who have hearts to serve.’
As we approach the wonderful feast of Christmas and which can be such an anti-climax to the year, if it is degraded to materialistic celebrations, may we find anti-dotes and vaccines to the spiritual viruses which are destroying so many lives, families, communities and the health of our nations.
Culture of life
The MSM (mainstream-media) celebrated the passing of legislation in the Argentinian parliament this week. Our world is constantly being brainwashed into believing that legalising abortion leads to eradicating "unsafe" abortion and maternal mortality. Instead, decriminalising abortion has stoked backstreet abortions all the more, in every country where the right to life of the unborn has been denied. Tragic! And shame on the media who only show the reaction of the side rejoicing at their “victory” instead of both sides. There were many more Argentinians calling for the maintenance of the laws protecting the unborn.
Death statistics
This is a very useful presentation of COVID data in countries of the world compared to other often fatal diseases. Very interesting and very useful!
The link begins with the USA stats, but provides the figures for almost every country of the world.
There is a whole Encyclopaedia of Info here!!!
Death figures from everything … cancers, car accidents, suicide, drownings, etc just for 2020!
Take 10 minutes to check out especially the countries of Africa! They are so different to other parts of the world - pretty unique – deaths by malnutrition, violence, road accidents, drownings, strokes, TB, maternal/birth complications and Malaria/HIV of course, are very high in Africa and extremely low in other countries! Covid is at the bottom of the list of causes of deaths in almost all nations of our continent, yet is given a disproportionate attention, which is resulting in so much neglect of other major health and life issues that require priority attention in this part of the world!
All the best for the final countdown to the celebration of the greatest birthday that ever happened on this earth!
Camiel and François