Communique #22 3 October 2020

Communique #22 3 October 2020
Dear Subscribers
This weekend we conclude the Season of CREATION which has run since the 1st September and ends tomorrow, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of creation. Some hopefully have read Laudato Si’ over the past weeks – it exists since 2015, and for its 5th anniversary, Pope Francis is signing a follow-up encyclical today in Assisi, Fratelli Tutti! It should be available from tomorrow digitally on the web, and ought to be read as soon as possible! Both these encyclicals have broken with the tradition of using Latin Titles, and instead use Italian, and expressions which would have been favourites of St Francis! Some are objecting to the exclusive language, claiming that the title Fratelli Tutti (= literally Brothers All) is sexist, but the pope is using Francis’ own expression, which is not exclusive, since in the languages originating from Latin, when addressing a group as “brothers”, both the feminine and masculine are included, as in “brethren”.
Thank God it appears that the worst of the coronaphobia is over and most countries of the continent are progressively lifting the “health restrictions”, even if risks still exist. Thank God that somehow Africa has been relatively spared from the cataclysmic predictions that populations of our region would be decimated. We have enough other problems, and the harmful consequences - educational and economic – of lockdown measures over the past 7-8 months are going to need special recovery action now.
The Chosen: - View on YouTube the multi-season series retracing the public ministry of Jesus. It has an interesting perspective on many of the Gospel writings. As a taste-byte, here is a direct link to a 5-minute extract depicting the scene of Jesus healing the paralytic:
A very very useful website: - The mission of is to give faithful Catholics the information, encouragement, and perspective they need to become an active force for renewal in the Church and in society, working to shape an authentically Christian culture in a secular world.
The primary means of effecting our mission is the distribution of news, commentary, spiritual resources, and practical suggestions, in conformity with the mind of the Church.
This helps readers cope with the full range of spiritual, moral, political, social, cultural, and ecclesiastical challenges with which sincere Catholics must daily contend in every aspect of their lives — including the family, the inner life of the Church, education, the workplace, public policy, and the interplay between faith and culture.
A few other useful websites to visit occasionally: and – especially for this month of October - One More Soul is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the truth about the blessings of children - Providing answers to burning questions, with plenty of resources for affective education – Resources and programs for formation in the faith and spirituality
Please keep in prayer the two regional meetings which will be held this month:
The regional formation commission meeting online from 14-18 October.
The CIVAM meeting also online, from 25-31 October.
All the best for this October month of the Missions and of the Rosary, God bless,
Camiel and Francois