Same-sex marriage, the Pill, assisted suicide
topics of a newly published text by Benedict XVI and endorsed by Francis

Same-sex marriage, the Pill, assisted suicide:
topics of a newly published text by Benedict XVI, and endorsed by Francis
Either man is God's creature, the image of God, God's gift, or man is a product that ‘creates’ itself!
In a book on Europe published on September 16, 2021 in Italy, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI warns about the anthropological leap of recent decades during which the contemporary world has ceased to accept the intrinsic connection between sexuality and fertility and ceased to believe in the sacred origin of man. It is an analysis shared by and explicitly welcomed by Pope Francis who signs the preface of the book.
"With the legalization of 'same-sex marriage' in sixteen European countries, the theme of marriage and the family has taken on a new dimension that certainly cannot be ignored."
That is the first sentence of pope emeritus Benedict XVI's unpublished text introducing the book La Vera Europa, identità e missione (The Real Europe; its identity and mission). The 264-page book is the third volume of an editorial project that brings together a selection of the many key texts of Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI. The two previous volumes had also been prefaced by Pope Francis.
In this text, Benedict XVI draws up his argument in four stages:
First, he explains that so-called "'same-sex marriage' is in contradiction with all the cultures of humanity that have succeeded each other so far." Never before had it been questioned that "the existence of man – as male and female – was ordered to procreation.”
This "original certainty that has been evident to mankind" has been overturned, he says, with the introduction of the contraceptive "pill". Because this made possible the "separation between fertility and sexuality". From then on, all forms of sexuality have become "equivalent". "There are no longer any substantive criteria", notes the emeritus.
He deduces from this that, if sexuality is separated from fertility, “then, conversely, fertility can naturally be thought of independently from sexuality”. Man and woman would therefore no longer be understood as "gifts received" but as "planned products". But “what can be made, can also be destroyed”, warns the 94-year-old theologian. This raises concerns about the "growing trend" to resort to "suicide as a planned end of life."
Finally, the Pope Emeritus asserts that behind reflection on same-sex marriage, the pill or assisted suicide, there hides a "fundamental question": "Who is man? " and it leads to one of two replies: "Either man and woman are created by God, in the image of God, as gifts of God, or man and woman are a mere product that is self-created".
In his preface written on 28 July 2021, Pope Francis' support for the Pope Emeritus is obvious.
"I am happy to present this volume," he writes, before countersigning the existential alternative proposed by his predecessor, and the issues it raises. He too is saddened by the fact that in Europe, "the idea of respect for all human life is threatened more and more, with the loss of awareness of its sacredness… Over the years, Benedict XVI has not been afraid to denounce with great courage and foresight the many manifestations of this dramatic renunciation of the idea of creation, up to the most recent current consequences." Consequences that, according to Francis, are "described absolutely clearly and convincingly in this publication of Benedict XVI.
In concluding his preface, Pope Francis endorses the hope of his predecessor, convinced that "the desire for God" is "deeply inscribed in every human soul and cannot disappear… We humans are restless until we have found God. This agitation continues to prevail today. It offers us hope that humanity, again and again, will reset out towards God".
- Media - On Aleteia - 18-09-2021