Religious education is beneficial in the life of young people
Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, professor at UNC (University of North Carolina), is the co-author of the research "Religion and Depression in Adolescence" published on Journal of Political Economy in June-July 2019.

Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, professor at UNC (University of North Carolina), is the co-author of the research "Religion and Depression in Adolescence" published on Journal of Political Economy in June-July 2019. |
Many Western countries are concerned about teenagers’ loneliness and depression. Many people who suffer mental health problems in adulthood show the first symptoms of the disease during adolescence. World Health Organization considers adolescents’ mental health a priority. |
Many studies show a correlation between religiosity and mental health. We can measure religiosity considering how often a person prays or attends religious service and how much importance a person gives to religion. The most interesting fact during the research has been isolating the effect of personal religiosity on depression. A group of young people between 15 and 18 years old has been taken into account; they became more religious due to the influence of their classmates and friends. It proves how a faith, which is tested, can make the positive difference. If we avoid the freedom of religion in public spaces, there will be a damage for everyone. According to statistics if people go to church regularly, the probability of depression decreases by 11 percentage points. It seems that religion can quickly improve mental health. |
This is good news, we still have much to learn about mental health and benefits that are related to faith and spirituality. |
So, good news for mental health treatments but especially for religious men and women, their children and community because religion not only attracts but also bring benefits to suffering people. |
We have a great responsibility. We must fight to protect freedom of religion; it cannot be limited or precluded in public spaces. Living our faith and witnessing it can be positive for all the society. |