Communiqué #17

Communique #17 22 August 2020 Mary, Queen of Heaven
Dear Subscribers
When it first hit at the start of 2020, we never imagined how much the coronavirus would impact our lives this year. It is definitely the #ONE topic of conversation throughout the world for the past 8 months, and even the USA election campaign, the devastating explosion in the Port of Beirut, news of crime, corruption and war,… and so many other events and anniversaries have been able to distract our attention from the pandemic and its consequences. BUT…
It’s not just Covid-19! There are a number of other viruses to be concerned about!
- Be careful of the Virus-in-our-arms! The one which sometimes paralyzes us and makes us drop our arms, when we find ourselves in situations where we can't see what to do next and so give up the fight!
- Be careful of the Leg-Virus! The one that prevents us from walking over to engage with others, especially those who bother us, those with whom we have experienced conflict, those who have not voted like us, those who do not think like us, those who do not pray like us!
- Be careful of the Eye-Virus! The one which blinds us and prevents us from noticing all the suffering in this world - suffering because of war, economic injustice, global warming, forced migration, family breakdown, etc... The one that prevents us from identifying and joining organizations with which we could make a difference in healing hurts and reducing the suffering!
- Be careful of the Ear-Virus! The one which makes us deaf to all calls for solidarity. The one that distorts our understanding and makes us listen only to those who speak of personal or national security issues, who think only about economic development, but neglect human values!
- Be careful of the Mouth-Virus! The one that makes us say things without thinking and speak without kindness, or which at other times freezes our tongue and causes us to be silent and complicit in the face of injustice and abuse of all kinds!
- Be careful of the Mental-Virus! The one which may spur us to express our great joy and sadness:
Great joy to have overcome this terrible pandemic together…
Sadness at the economic deficit (national or global) which is going to cost us so much…
But this virus of the mind tends to put money before love!... as is often the case today.
- Be careful of the Heart-Virus - the real coronary-virus, the most dangerous one of all!
The one which prevents us from really loving the Lord as he loves us!
The one which deters us from "Living life to the full," as Jesus did, right on to the Cross!
The one which blocks us from being wonderfully creative under the stimulus of the Holy Spirit!
- (Mouvement Mondial des Travailleurs Chrétiens - Worldwide Christian Workers’ Movement
Published on the website – 19/08/2020)
Don’t forget to visit the website for the latest items posted each week – plenty of resources for goodnights, homilies, conferences and personal reflection.
And if you have time to watch stuff on internet, give priority to the excellent recently produced series on the life of Jesus called “The Chosen” available on YouTube. Download it and watch it with young people! The objective MovieGuide recommendation states: “There’s little doubt that THE CHOSEN will soon become one of the most well-known and celebrated pieces of Christian media ever produced.”
Have a blessed final week of August,
Camiel and Francois