My Possible Dream
Fr Camiel Swertvagher sdb expresses his wish to see the Salesian Dream realized

" I HAVE A DREAM ... "
It is permitted to "dream“! It is perfectly legit to dream of an ideal to aim for… An ideal is like a star: we might not reach it, but it keeps guiding us forward…
Years ago (in 2000), I wrote – when I was Provincial of AFC - to the confreres: “Another year of pastoral work is nearing completion. From what I see and hear, from my observations, my visits to your house and my exchanges with you, I start to dream".
I imagine that today, in 2020, this same dream can still be shared.
I dream of a Salesian Province with high standards, of a Salesian community of top quality, of a Salesian of Don Bosco living authentic holiness. It is on "quality" that the future of our Province depends; it is on "quality" that the future of our communities will depend; it is on "quality" that our happiness and that of young people will depend.
I have a dream that each confrere will be a genuine "consecrated": set aside for the Lord, chosen by Him, called and sent by Him.
I dream that each confrere might turn to the Father, affirming to him: "Father, may your will be done" or "I surrender my life to you, Father". Thus may he seek with the confreres of his community for the will of God, in fidelity to the Gospel, to our Salesian charism and attentive to the signs of the times.
I have a dream that each confrere would find in God all his treasure, and that this be visible by his detachment and simple and sober life, as well as by manifesting in his everyday life a spirit of solidarity and sharing.
I have a dream that each confrere will be a great lover of Jesus the Christ:
that he consider him as a close friend given the first priority in his religious life;
that he never give up on love, but rather love like Jesus; and
that he be capable of true friendship with brothers and sisters, without gossip or animosity.
I have a dream that each Salesian community in our Province be a community of “brothers” who truly love each other; that each community be a "home", a "family", where life is good.
I have a dream that each community give witness to fraternal communion, a sincere affection for each other without prejudice and discrimination.
I have a dream that each community would manifest unity in diversity, gift and forgiveness, welcome and respect of each in their unique existence.
I have a dream that each community become a place where communication is encouraged and where open dialogue is possible; that each community find space for attentive listening and thoughtful words.
I have a dream that each community be the manifestation of a religious and Salesian belonging, a place where human relationships are lived in trust, a place that overflows with charity, a house that radiates credibility.
I have a dream that each Salesian community in our Province be an animating nucleus, equipped with a Salesian Educational and Pastoral Plan, within an Educational and Pastoral Community.
I have a dream that each of our communities will be consistent in quantity and in quality; that each community will be able to collaborate with the ‘forces’ of laity of the Church and of the world.
I have a dream that each community will be able to show the beauty of our Salesian vocation in its priestly and lay manifestation; that it will live the unique mission of "Da mihi animas, cætera tolle".
I have a dream that each community will be a community of life and work; that each house and each confrere will find harmony between action and contemplation; that each confrere in particular will be a man of prayer, deeply rooted in Christ.
I have a dream that each community and each confrere will commit not to depend purely and simply on others; that everyone will work hard with his hands to contribute to the life of the community and the work.
I have a dream that each community and all confreres will practice Salesian assistance; that they will be among young people and happy to be among young people, wherever they are and at any time.
I have a dream that our Salesian Province will have Rectors who will be true animators of their community, competent Administrators for all our works, Teachers who will be real formators and educators for all our schools, Technical Instructors who will transmit the knowhow and love for their profession.
I have a dream that our Province will have parish priests in the city and in the countryside, roaming missionaries in our mission outstations, solid formators to prepare the sons of Don Bosco for tomorrow.
I have a dream that our Province will send missionaries to the African continent and elsewhere in the world to bear witness to Jesus Christ, Good News for the young and the poor populations of today.
I have a dream that our Province will increasingly promote the African face of Don Bosco and the Salesian charism; that the Salesian Family will spread ever more; may the dream of Don Bosco himself come true!
Nairobi, 4 June 2020.