Communique # 20 20 September 2020
This week's promos

Communique # 20 20 September 2020
Dear Subscribers
We hope the worst of 2020 is over and that we can look forward to a return to almost normality soon. Again, this week we just bring a few additional items to your notice and recommend you visit the website.
A short story to begin with…
Three little boys were concerned because they couldn't get anyone to play with them.
They decided it was because they had not been Baptized and didn't go to Sunday School.
So they went to the nearest Church. But, only the Janitor was there.
One little Boy said, "We need to be baptized because no one will come out and play with us. Could you baptize us?"
"Sure," said the Janitor.
He took them into the bathroom and dunked their little heads in the toilet bowl, one at a time.
Then he said, "You are now baptized!".
"When they got outside, one of them asked, "What religion do you think we are now?"
The oldest one said, "We're not Kathlick, ......because they pour the water over you! We cannot be Babtis, because they dunk you completely in the water. We're not Methdiss, because they just sprinkle water on you. So, I don’t know what we now are!"
The smallest boy said: "Didn't you smell that water!"
They all joined in asking: "Yeah! So, what do you think that means?"
"I think it means we're Pisspatarians!”
There is plenty of congregational as civil matters that we need to keep familiarising ourselves with.
- The complete documents of GC28 have been officially published. If you have not obtained a copy yet, access a copy from or the SAFCAM website. Let us familiarize ourselves with the outcomes of the General Chapter which ended 6 months ago already.
- An interview with Don Ivo Coelho featured on ANS this week, in which he comments on his experience of GC28, and on formation in the congregation. For this who missed it and find it difficult to access materials online, find it very easily on the SAFCAM website.
- Free Webinar offered by Positive Psychology Association of Kenya.
Date and Time: 23 September 2020 - 5.30 to 7.00pm (East Africa Time) Speaker: Dr Fr Sahaya G. Selvam sdb, and is the current chair of the Positive Psychology Association of Kenya
Title of his Presentation: Magnanimous Leadership - Built on Character
Join Zoom Meeting -
Or Livestream on FB:
Things to watch on YouTube:
Click on this link - to watch a 2 minute clip by Br. Raymond Callo, assistant in the Department for Formation, as he advertises an interview with Fr Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of the Rector Major, and Fr Coelho, available on YouTube from Thursday 24 September (this coming week!). It will deal with the first of the three parts of the New “Rector’s Manual” on the theme of the Salesian consecrated identity.
Bosco Bytes - Glenford Lowe sdb - - As a young priest, Don Bosco meets the young apprentice Charles Gastini in a barber's shop. Don Bosco allows the young Carlo to take a go and give him a shave. It was literally a 'close shave'! But, Don Bosco was ready for it if he had to befriend the young Carlo. (15minutes)
Don Bosco Vocational Training Centre, Wau – South Sudan
“Hope for the Hopeless” is a short documentary made in 2016 on Don Bosco Vocational Training Centre, Wau, South Sudan. Started during the war, this institution has given hope to hundreds of young men and women who otherwise had no way forward in life. With seven trades, the Technical Centre is able to reach out to many who have been displaced by war. One of the best training centres in the country, it is very much appreciated by the government and the many NGOs who work there. There is also a Catholic Parish in Wau, run by the Salesians, which is not featured here.
Don’t forget to also check through the half-dozen other new items posted on our website this week.
God bless
Camiel and Francois