Current issues

Two Opinion Pieces: National lockdowns have been a ‘monumental...

Both articles have been slightly edited by Safcam and neither represent the official views of Safcam, but are reproduced here in the...

Wokeness is a new religion, and it’s coming to convert...

It’s a fundamentalist religion. This ‘faith’ of the woke people is narrow, puritanical, and righteous. Those who don’t conform to...

A ‘Disease’ Worse Than Cervical Cancer

A recent piece on CNN shows how the media are being controlled and used as a tool of ideological colonization.

Why not the statue of Margaret Sanger?

Planned Parenthood, the organization that Margaret Sanger founded and the world’s largest abortion “provider”, targets minority areas...

Kenya's Maria Goretti-First anniversary of her murder

Valerian Njeri Nduno - tragically murdered on Thursday 28th November 2019

Walt Heyer - detransitioner

YouTube censors ex-transgender for medical information on gender dysphoria

LGBTQIA+ Storm: J.K.Rowling v the activists

The aberrant if not to say abhorrent ideology of transgenderism theorizes that sex is not real. Sex, it claims, is only about identity,...

Decline of Christianity is seriously hurting society

Interesting article about theists concerned about general loss of faith and so sound the alarm about decline of Christianity - it...

Reflection on On-Line Counselling

Alternatives during lockdown

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