Padre Martin Lasarte sdb
Finally installed as Provincial in ANG

Fr Martin Lasarte - Luanda, Angola - October 2020
The installation ceremony of the new Superior of the Salesian Vice Province of Angola (ANG), Fr Martín Lasarte, took place on 21 October. The inauguration Eucharist was celebrated in the parish of "San Paulo", in the presence of all the Salesian communities of Luanda and the members of the various groups of the Salesian Family, who thanked Fr Victor Sequeira, previous ANG Vice Province Superior, for the work carried out during his tenure. The installation had been delayed due to the travel restrictions which prevented Don Martin from flying to Luanda from Rome earlier this year. Martin had spent 6 years assisting in the Mission Department, and was also a special member of the Synod for the Amazon a year ago.
He originates from Uruguay, but has already spent many years as an enthusiastic missionary in Angola.