SAFCAM Communique #58 - English

SAFCAM Communique #58 25/06/2021
Dear Subscribers
Only 6 months to Christmas!
SAFCAM team update:
After completing an enjoyable 3-day quinquenium workshop last night, today I leave for a Consolata retreat centre in Mojo, about 100kms from Addis, to present the first of two annual retreats for AET confreres. And since there is unlikely to be internet access there, I quickly produce this weekly communique so you are not puzzled about why there may be a gap in our keeping in touch with you all. I have no news of Camiel, but hopefully he has managed to moved on to Equatorial Guinea without having to detour via Addis Ababa! - The 10th and last ‘Seed’ presenting the main themes of "Young Salesians and accompaniment – Orientations & Guidelines". Just over 5minutes, and stressing the importance of permanent/lifelong/ongoing formation. The RM even speaks in English this time! - A clip with a not very attractive title – ‘GC28 Salesian statistics’ - but which is an excellent summary of the SDB presence across the world in a fast-moving eye-catching video which is well-worth-watching-and-screening to many audiences (under 5minutes). - The Calgiero11 clip for June 2021 on the theme of relationships of Trust and Marriage (90 seconds)
The 15th edition of "Festiclip", the short film festival organized by the Province of "France/South Belgium" (FRB), took place on Saturday, 5 June 2021. You can relive the 3-hour evening and watch all the films on YouTube at or by visiting the website:
Have you noticed that the mainstream media and Big-Tech is now changing their stance on topics (and, with some embarrassment, admitting Trump & co. were perhaps not so wrong about the following)? That -
- Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin work well against Covid.
- The ‘China Virus’ probably leaked from the Wuhan lab
- Hunter Biden's laptop emails were real
- The “Russian Bounties” story was fake
- Vaccines were produced before the end of 2020 in record time
- Democrat-ruled states’ lockdowns didn't work
- Schools should be opened
- Critical Race Theory is a disaster for healing the past and educating to respect for all
Might they even one day start stating that Joe Biden did in fact steal the 2020 elections…?