SAFCAM Communique #51 - English

SAFCAM Communique #51 08/05/2021
Dear Subscribers
Only two weeks till Pentecost, with another highlight in our Salesian calendar the following day – the feast of Mary Help of Christians. Among the many formats of novenas to Mary our Help, find one on the SAFCAM website for this year. Despite some health restrictions still impeding some freedom of movement, it is possible through most of our region to prepare for more celebrations than last year at least. Let us also continue to unite our prayers to the worldwide ‘marathon of intercession’ for the end of the pandemic.
In case you do not have the schedule here it is for the coming week:
Date Shrine Country Intention
8/05 Our Lady of Luján Argentina For all communication workers
9/05 Holy House of Loreto Italy For all seniors
10/05 Our Lady of Knock Ireland For all people with disabilities
11/05 The Virgin of the Poor-Banneux Belgium For all the poor, homeless, & economically distressed
12/05 Our Lady of Africa-Algiers Algeria For all people who live alone & those who have lost hope
13/05 Our Lady of the Rosary-Fatima Portugal For all prisoners
14/05 Our Lady of Health-Vailankanni India For all scientists and medical research institutions
A brief spiritual nosegay:
When a virus infects a body it generally does not localize itself in such a way that a doctor could take out a pint of blood and liquidate the evil.
The virus diffuses itself throughout the body so that it is the body as a whole which must be treated.
Same with the symptoms of evil in the world today… and with the sins in each of us!
We need to see ourselves as part of a guilty world, and the more innocent we are, the more we will feel that guilt. The more we will recognize our oneness with our fellow human beings.
Jesus was so one with us and so innocent that he could take on the sin of the whole world, absorb it all into himself and eradicate it. But that required much suffering and death.
To create God had only to speak! To save he had to suffer! To convince us of salvation, HE ROSE again!
News from Father Camiel on a canonical visit to ATE:
I made the first visit to Ebolowa: a house with many areas of work and a beautiful Salesian work!
I will have fond memories of this house ...
Yesterday evening, I arrived at the Theologate in Yaoundé: a large community of 47 confreres, including the formators and students. This morning, I begin the personal interviews.
There you have it, just a brief note ... Greetings to you all! - Camiel
REMINDER – Sunday is MOTHERS’ day in most anglophone countries
Description of a Mother! (by a Cardinal!)
The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honour of having built Notre Dame cathedral, but she need not! She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral!
However tiny her baby's body may be, it's a dwelling for an immortal soul.
The angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They are not able to share in God's creative miracle of bringing new saints to heaven. Only a human mother can, in partnership with her spouse.
By their very motherly nature, mothers are closer to God than the rest of creation.
God joins forces with mothers in performing his act of creation.
I can't think of anything more glorious on earth than this: to BE a MOTHER.
Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty
We wish you a special week of the Ascension.
Camiel and François